Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force – Afghanistan

Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force – Afghanistan

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Hometown: Bagram Air Field, , AF

Current Personnel:
spyglass Sgt. Cody Thompson
spyglass Chief Petty Officer Bill Mesta
spyglass Petty Officer 2nd Class Juan King
spyglass Petty Officer 2nd Class Christopher Lenart
spyglass Petty Officer 3rd Class Joshua Davies
spyglass Brian Chaney
spyglass Spc. Ernesto Gonzalez
spyglass Chief Petty Officer Joel Cesar
spyglass Sgt. Cameron Christensen
spyglass Capt. Daniel Hill
spyglass Chief Petty Officer Kathryn Whittenberger
spyglass Chief Petty Officer Gregory Frazho
spyglass Petty Officer 2nd Class Ernesto Hernandez Fonte
spyglass Petty Officer 1st Class Stefanie Antosh
spyglass Chief Petty Officer James Foehl
spyglass Petty Officer 2nd Class Jesse Awalt
spyglass Sgt. Bethany Little
spyglass Petty Officer 3rd Class James Ginther
spyglass Kyle McNally
spyglass Staff Sgt. Noel Gerig
spyglass Sgt. Jenie Fisher
spyglass Staff Sgt. Nicole Howell
spyglass Sgt. 1st Class FAITH KAWGDOO
spyglass Petty Officer 1st Class Martine Cuaron
spyglass Petty Officer 2nd Class Gregory N. Juday
spyglass Sgt. Devin James
spyglass Petty Officer 1st Class Cassandra Thompson
spyglass Liz Murray
spyglass Sgt. Pete Thibodeau

For more content from this unit, please contact
Lena Dirbashi | |

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Recent Image Galleries

Zarghun Shar officials make youth a priority Zarghun Shar officials make youth a priority
Teenagers from Zarghun Shar district gather at the district center for the first ever youth...

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(349 votes; 3.04)

News Stories

Zarghun Shar officials make youth a priorityZarghun Shar officials make youth a priority
Zarghun Shar district officials along with influential elders throughout western Paktika province hosted their first youth shura (meeting) at the Zarghun Shar District Center Sept. 29.

Progress made in Paktika provinceProgress made in Paktika province
Zarghun Shar district officials and elders from Payandeh Khel village met at Zarghun Shar District Center to broker solutions for the village’s security Sept. 29.

Western Paktika governors meet for first timeWestern Paktika governors meet for first time
District governors from western Paktika province, along with Afghan security officials, held the first Western Paktika Province Governors’ Shura (meeting) at Forward Operating Base Super, Oct. 1.

Arghandab ALP commander's leadership trainingArghandab ALP commanders increase leadership training
Arghandab district Afghan Local Police had 13 checkpoint commanders from the west side of the Arghandab River Valley gather in Sakari Bagh Village to attend a four-day commander’s course, Sept. 3.

Arghandab district ALP candidates bring an additional weapon to the fightArghandab dstrict ALP candidates bring an additional weapon to the fight
Since January 2012, Arghandab district has conducted Afghan Local Police basic training courses for volunteers who want to protect their villages from insurgents and corruption.

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Zarghun Shar officials make youth a priority

Zarghun Shar officials make youth a priority

Teenagers from Zarghun Shar district gather at the district center for the first ever youth shura Sept. 29. Youth shuras are quickly becoming a popular initiative of sub-national governance as officials realize youth are the key to future stability and peace in the country.

Zarghun Shar officials make youth a priority

Story by Sgt. 1st Class FAITH KAWGDOO

PAKTIKA, Afghanistan – Zarghun Shar district officials along with influential elders throughout western Paktika province hosted their first youth shura (meeting) at the Zarghun Shar District Center Sept. 29.

Youth shuras are a fast-growing initiative of sub-national governance as Afghan officials realize children are the key to the future success of the country. The meetings provide education about negative influencers, and they allow Afghan children the opportunity to make their own informed decisions.

“These shuras are an instrument to eradicate bad influencers in the society,” said Abdul Gafar, Zarghun Shar district education director. “It’s also an opportunity to educate our youth and help build a strong future.”

Future meetings will also provide fun opportunities for kids through district-level sporting events such as volleyball and soccer tournaments.

“I will definitely pass the message about the sports teams and tournaments,” said Gul Hamid, a 16-year-old boy who attended the shura. “It will be helpful for the country, so the youth will not be tempted to join the insurgency.”

The preliminary meeting is the first step in the right direction. The number of attendees in the upcoming shuras will help indicate the success of youth shuras.

“The youth is the future of Afghanistan,” said Neik Mohammad Katawaz, a youth shura leader. “I’m proud to be able to represent, help and volley for the kids so their voices can be heard.”
(29 votes; 3.33)

Recent Video

ALP Embrace LiteracyALP Embrace Literacy
Candidates going through Afghan Local Police basic training get additional skill set to bring back to their villages. To enhance the capabilities of the ALP, a one week literacy class was added to the curriculum. Army Sergeant Nicole Howell explains how Arghandab district ALP trainess are being issued a different type of weapon. Soundbites include Hadroon Sadar - Literacy Instructor and Mohammad Naib - ALP Candidate. Produced by SSG. Nicole L. Howell.

ALP ConferenceALP Conference
ALP conference with Afghan national security force commander's planning the future in Paktika province. Soundbites from Mohibullah Samin, Dawlat Khan. Produced by Sgt. 1st Class Faith Kawgdoo.

Chak D.C. BazaarChak D.C. Bazaar
As Taliban insurgents continue to threaten the peace and security of Afghanistan, local villagers are standing up for their families and their livelihood. Soundbite from Mohammad Dad Khaksar

Commandos Take FlightCommandos Take Flight
Members of the 3rd Company, 1st Commando Special Operations Kandak, take charge clearing insurgent safe havens and increase their wingspan in the fight against the Taliban. Army Sgt. Jenie Fisher explains the milestone mission in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. Once the Commandos secured the area, local villagers and leaders came together to discuss, in their native language and to their fellow countrymen, the future of their community. Soundbites include LTC. William Linn - Special Operations Task Force - East Commander; Special Operations Detachment Commander, Commando Advisor. Produced by MC3. Joshua J. Davies - Video and Photos and Sgt. Jenie Fisher - Reporting.

Afghan Local Police Increase EducationAfghan Local Police Increase Education
The Afghan Local Police in Sarkani District, Afghanistan expand their skill sets beyond securing their village. SSG. Nicole Howell explains how the Sarkani Afghan Local Police are being read into a new kind of training. Produced by SSG. Nicole Howell.

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