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Ex-Im Bank Charter: Section 2b

Sec. 2(b)(1)(B).   It is further the policy of the United States that loans made by the Bank in all its programs shall bear interest at rates determined by the Board of Directors, consistent with the Bank's mandate to support United States exports at rates and on terms and conditions which are fully competitive with exports of other countries, and consistent with international agreements.

For the purpose of the preceding sentence, rates and terms and conditions need not be identical in all respects to those offered by foreign countries, but should be established so that the effect of such rates, terms, and conditions for all the Bank's programs, including those for small businesses and for medium-term financing, will be to neutralize the effect of such foreign credit on international sales competition. The Bank shall consider its average cost of money as one factor in its determination of interest rates, where such consideration does not impair the Bank's primary function of expanding United States exports through fully competitive financing. The Bank may not impose a credit application fee unless (i) the fee is competitive with the average fee charged by the Bank's primary foreign competitors, and (ii) the borrower or the exporter is given the option of paying the fee at the outset of the loan or over the life of the loan and the present value of the fee determined under either such option is the same amount.

It is also the policy of the United States that the Bank in the exercise of its functions should supplement and encourage, and not compete with, private capital; that the Bank, in determining whether to provide support for a transaction under the loan, guarantee, or insurance program, or any combination thereof, shall consider the need to involve private capital in support of United States exports as well as the cost of the transaction as calculated in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 [2 U.S.C. 661 et seq.]; that the Bank shall accord equal opportunity to export agents and managers, independent export firms, export trading companies, and small commercial banks in the formulation and implementation of its programs; that the Bank should give emphasis to assisting new and small business entrants in the agricultural export market, and shall, in cooperation with other relevant Government agencies, including the Commodity Credit Corporation, develop a program of education to increase awareness of export opportunities among small agribusinesses and cooperatives; that loans, so far as possible consistent with the carrying out of the purposes of subsection (a) of this section, shall generally be for specific purposes, and, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, offer reasonable assurance of repayment; and that in authorizing any loan or guarantee, the Board of Directors shall take into account any serious adverse effect of such loan or guarantee on the competitive position of United States industry, the availability of materials which are in short supply in the United States, and employment in the United States, and shall give particular emphasis to the objective of strengthening the competitive position of United States exporters and thereby of expanding total United States exports. Only in cases where the President, after consultation with the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate, determines that such action would be in the national interest where such action would clearly and importantly advance United States policy in such areas as international terrorism (including, when relevant, a foreign nation's lack of cooperation in efforts to eradicate terrorism), nuclear proliferation, the enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, the Arms Export Control Act [22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.], the International Emergency Economic Powers Act [50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.], or the Export Administration Act of 1979 [50 U.S.C. App. 2401 et seq.], environmental protection and human rights (such as are provided in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948) (including child labor), should the Export-Import Bank deny applications for credit for non-financial or noncommercial considerations.  Each such determination shall be delivered in writing to the President of the Bank, shall state that the determination is made pursuant to this section, and shall specify the applications or categories of applications for credit which should be denied by the Bank in furtherance of the national interest.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(C).   Consistent with the policy of section 501 of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978 and section 119 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, the Board of Directors shall name an officer of the Bank whose duties shall include advising the President of the Bank on ways of promoting the export of goods and services to be used in the development, production, and distribution of non-nuclear renewable energy resources, disseminating information concerning export opportunities and the availability of Bank support for such activities, and acting as a liaison between the Bank and the Department of Commerce and other appropriate departments and agencies.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(D).    It is further the policy of the United States to foster the delivery of United States services in international commerce. In exercising its powers and functions, the Bank shall give full and equal consideration to making loans and providing guarantees for the export of services (independently, or in conjunction with the export of manufactured goods, equipment, hardware or other capital goods)consistent with the Bank's policy to neutralize foreign subsidized credit competition and to supplement the private capital market.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(E)(i)(I).   It is further the policy of the United States to encourage the participation of small business in international commerce.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(E)(i)(II).   In exercising its authority, the Bank shall develop a program which gives fair consideration to making loans and providing guarantees for the export of goods and services by small businesses.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(E)(ii).   It is further the policy of the United States that the Bank shall give due recognition to the policy stated in section 2(a) of the Small Business Act that "the Government should aid, counsel, assist, and protect, insofar as is possible, the interests of small business concerns in order to preserve free competitive enterprise."

Sec. 2(b)(1)(E)(iii).   In furtherance of this policy, the Board of Directors shall designate an officer of the Bank who -
(I)   shall be responsible to the President of the Bank for all matters concerning or affecting small business concerns; and
(II)   among other duties, shall be responsible for advising small business concerns of the opportunities for small business concerns in the functions of the Bank, with particular emphasis on conducting outreach and increasing loans to socially and economically disadvantaged small business concerns (as defined in section 8(a)(4) of the Small Business Act), small business concerns (as defined in section 3(a) of the Small Business Act) owned by women, and small business concerns (as defined in section 3(a) of the Small Business Act) employing fewer than 100 employees, and for maintaining liaison with the Small Business Administration and other departments and agencies in matters affecting small business concerns.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(E)(iv).   The Director appointed to represent the interests of small business under section 3(c) of this Act shall ensure that the Bank carries out its responsibilities under clauses (ii) and (iii) of this subparagraph and that the Bank's financial and other resources are, to the maximum extent possible, appropriately used for small business needs.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(E)(v).   To assure that the purposes of clauses (i) and (ii) of this subparagraph are carried out, the Bank shall make available, from the aggregate loan, guarantee, and insurance authority available to it, an amount to finance exports directly by small business concerns (as defined under section 3 of the Small Business Act) which shall be not less than 20 percent of such authority for each fiscal year. From the amount made available under the preceding sentence, it shall be a goal of the Bank to increase the amount made available to finance exports directly by small business concerns referred to in section 3(i)(1).

Sec. 2(b)(1)(E)(vi).   The Bank shall utilize the amount set aside pursuant to clause (v) of this subparagraph to offer financing for small business exports on terms which are fully competitive with regard to interest rates and with regard to the portion of financing which may be provided, guaranteed, or insured.                  Financing under this clause (vi) shall be available without regard to whether financing for the particular transaction was disapproved by any other Federal agency.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(E)(vii)(I).   The Bank shall utilize a part of the amount set aside pursuant to clause (v) to provide lines of credit or guarantees to consortia of small or medium size banks, export trading companies, State export finance agencies, export financing cooperatives, small business investment companies (as defined in section 103 of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958), or other financing institutions or entities in order to finance small business exports.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(E)(vii)(II).   Financing under this clause (vii) shall be made available only where the consortia or the participating institutions agree to undertake processing, servicing, and credit evaluation functions in connection with such financing.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(E)(vii)(III).   To the maximum extent practicable, the Bank shall delegate to the consortia or other financing institutions or entities the authority to approve financing under this clause (vii).

Sec. 2(b)(1)(E)(vii)(IV).   In the administration of the program under this clause (vii), the Bank shall provide appropriate technical assistance to participating consortia and may require such consortia periodically to furnish information to the Bank regarding the number and amount of loans made and the creditworthiness of the borrowers.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(E)(viii).   In order to assure that the policy stated in clause (i) is carried out, the Bank shall promote small business exports and its small business export financing programs in cooperation with the Secretary of Commerce, the Office of International Trade of the Small Business Administration, and the private sector, particularly small business organizations, State agencies, chambers of commerce, banking organizations, export management companies, export trading companies, and private industry.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(E)(ix).   The Bank shall provide, through creditworthy trade associations, export trading companies, State export finance companies, export finance cooperatives, and other multiple-exporter organizations, medium-term risk protection coverage for the members and clients of such organizations. Such coverage shall be made available to each such organization under a single risk protection policy covering its members or clients. Nothing in this provision shall be interpreted as limiting the Bank's authority to deny support for specific transactions or to disapprove a request by such an organization to participate in such coverage.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(E)(x). The Bank shall implement technology improvements that are designed to improve small business outreach, including allowing customers to use the Internet to apply for the Bank's small business programs.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(F).   Consistent with international agreements, the Bank shall urge the Foreign Credit Insurance Association to provide coverage against 100 per centum of any loss with respect to exports having a value of less than $100,000.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(G).    Participation in or access to long-, medium-, and short-term financing, guarantees, and insurance provided by the Bank shall not be denied solely because the entity seeking participation or access is not a bank or is not a United States person.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(H)(i).   It is further the policy of the United States to foster the development of democratic institutions and market economies in countries seeking such development, and to assist the export of high technology items to such countries.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(H)(ii).   In exercising its authority, the Bank shall develop a program for providing guarantees and insurance with respect to the export of high technology items to countries making the transition to market based economies, including eligible East European countries (within the meaning of section 3(c) of the Support For East European Democracy (SEED) Act of 1989).

Sec. 2(b)(1)(H)(iii).   As part of the ongoing marketing and outreach efforts of the Bank, the Bank shall, to the maximum extent practicable, inform high technology companies, particularly small business concerns (as such term is defined in section
3 of the Small Business Act), about the programs of the Bank for United States companies interested in exporting high technology goods to countries making the transition to market based economies, including any eligible East European country (within the meaning of section 3 of the Support For East European Democracy (SEED) Act of 1989).

Sec. 2(b)(1)(H)(iv). In carrying out clause (iii), the Bank shall--
(I)   work with other agencies involved in export promotion and finance; and
(II)   invite State and local governments, trade centers, commercial banks, and other appropriate public and private organizations to serve as intermediaries for the outreach efforts.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(I).   The President of the Bank shall undertake efforts to enhance the Bank’s capacity to provide information about the Bank’s programs to small and rural companies which have not previously participated in the Bank’s programs. Not later than 1 year after November 26,1997, the President of the Bank shall submit to Congress a report on the activities undertaken pursuant to this subparagraph.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(J). The Bank shall implement an electronic system designed to track all pending transactions of the Bank.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(K). The Bank shall promote the export of goods and services related to renewable energy sources.

Sec. 2(b)(1)(L). The Bank shall require an applicant for assistance from the Bank to disclose whether the applicant has been found by a court of the United States to have violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, the Arms Export Control Act [22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.], the International Emergency Economic Powers Act [50
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.], or the Export Administration Act of 1979 [50 U.S.C. App. 2401 et seq.] within the preceding 12 months, and shall maintain, in cooperation with the Department of Justice, for not less than 3 years a record of such applicants so found to have violated any such Act.

Sec. 2(b)(2).    Prohibition On Aid To Marxist-Leninist Countries.
(A)    In general.   The Bank in the exercise of its functions shall not guarantee, insure, extend credit, or participate in the extension of credit--
(i)   in connection with the purchase or lease of any product by a Marxist-Leninist country, or agency or national thereof; or
(ii)   in connection with the purchase or lease of any product by any other foreign country, or agency or national thereof, if the product to be purchased or leased by such other country, agency, or national is, to the knowledge of the Bank, principally for use in, or sale or lease to, a Marxist-Leninist country.

Sec. 2(b)(2)(B).    Marxist-Leninist Country Defined.
(i)    In general.   For purposes of this paragraph, the term "Marxist-Leninist country" means any country that maintains a centrally planned economy based on the principles of Marxism-Leninism, or is economically and militarily dependent on any other such country.
(ii)   Specific countries deemed to be Marxist-Leninist.    Unless otherwise determined by the President in accordance with subparagraph (C), the following countries are deemed to be Marxist-Leninist countries for purposes of this paragraph:
(I)   Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
(II)    Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. (III) People's Republic of China.
(IV)   Republic of Cuba.
(V)   Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
(VI)   Tibet.

Sec. 2(b)(2)(C)   Presidential determination that a country has ceased to be Marxist-Leninist. - If the President determines that any country on the list contained in subparagraph (B)(ii) has ceased to be a Marxist-Leninist country (within the definition of such term in subparagraph (B)(i)), such country shall not be treated as a Marxist-Leninist country for purposes of this paragraph after the date of such determination, unless the President subsequently determines that such country has again become a Marxist-Leninist country.

Sec. 2(b)(2)(D)   Presidential determination relating to financing in the national interest.
(i)    In general.- Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to guarantees, insurance, or extensions of credit by the Bank to a country, agency, or national described in clause (i) or (ii) of subparagraph (A) (in connection with transactions described in such clauses) if the President determines that such guarantees, insurance, or extensions of credit are in the national interest.
(ii) Separate determination for certain transactions.- The President shall make a separate determination under clause (i) for each transaction described in clause (i) or (ii) of subparagraph (A) for which the Bank would extend a loan in an amount equal to or greater than $50,000,000.

Sec. 2(b)(2)(D)(iii)   Report of clause (i) determinations to Congress.- Any determination by the President under clause (i) shall be reported to the Congress not later than the earlier of--
(I)   the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date of such determination; or
(II)      the date the Bank takes final action with respect to the first transaction involving the country, agency, or national for which such determination is made after January 4, 1975, unless a report of a determination with respect to such country, agency, or national was made and reported before January 4, 1975.

Sec. 2(b)(2)(D)(iv)   Report of clause (ii) determinations to Congress.- Any determination by the President under clause (ii) shall be reported to the Congress not later than the earlier of--
(I)   the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date of such determination; or
(II)      the date the Bank takes final action with respect to the transaction for which such determination is made.

Sec. 2(b)(3).   Except as provided by the fourth sentence of this paragraph, no loan or financial guarantee or general guarantee or insurance facility or combination thereof (i) in an amount which equals or exceeds $100,000,000 or (ii) for the export of technology, fuel, equipment, materials, or goods or services to be used in the construction, alteration, operation, or maintenance of nuclear power, enrichment, reprocessing, research, or heavy water production facilities, shall be finally approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank, unless in each case the Bank has submitted to the Congress with respect to such loan, financial guarantee, or combination thereof, a detailed statement describing and explaining the transaction, at least 25 days of continuous session of the Congress prior to the date of final approval. For the purpose of the preceding sentence, continuity of a session of the Congress shall be considered as broken only by an adjournment of the Congress sine die, and the days on which either House is not in session because of an adjournment of more than 3 days to a day certain shall be excluded in the computation of the 25 day period referred to in such sentence. Such statement shall contain--
(A)   in the case of a loan or financial guarantee--
(i)   a brief description of the purposes of the transaction;
(ii)   the identity of the party or parties requesting the loan or financial guarantee;
(iii)  the nature of the goods or services to be exported and the use for which the goods or services are to be exported; and
(iv)    in the case of a general guarantee or insurance facility--
(I)    a description of the nature and purpose of the facility;
(II)     the total amount of guarantees or insurance; and
(III)     the reasons for the facility and its methods of operation; and
(B)    a full explanation of the reasons for Bank financing of the transaction, the amount of the loan to be provided by the Bank, the approximate rate and repayment terms at which such loan will be made available and the approximate amount of the financial guarantee.
If the Bank submits a statement to the Congress under this paragraph and either House of Congress is in an adjournment for a period which continues for at least ten days after the date of submission of the statement, then any such loan or guarantee or combination thereof may, subject to the second sentence of this paragraph, be finally approved by the Board of Directors upon the termination of the twenty-five-day period referred to in the first sentence of this paragraph or upon the termination of a thirty-five-calendar-day period (which commences upon the date of submission of the statement), whichever occurs sooner.

Sec. 2(b)(4)(A).   If the Secretary of State determines that--
(i)    any country that has agreed to International Atomic Energy Agency nuclear safeguards materially violates, abrogates, or terminates, after October 26, 1977, such safeguards;
(ii)   any country that has entered into an agreement for cooperation concerning the civil use of nuclear energy with the United States materially violates, abrogates, or terminates, after October 26, 1977, any guarantee or other undertaking to the United States made in such agreement;
(iii)   any country that is not a nuclear-weapon state detonates, after October 26, 1977, a nuclear explosive device;
(iv)   any country willfully aids or abets, after June 29, 1994, any non-nuclear-weapon state to acquire any such nuclear explosive device or to acquire un-safeguarded special nuclear material; or
(v)   any person knowingly aids or abets, after September 23, 1996, any non-nuclear weapon state to acquire any such nuclear explosive device or to acquire
un-safeguarded special nuclear material, then the Secretary of State shall submit a report to the appropriate committees of the Congress and to the Board of Directors of the Bank stating such determination and identifying each country or person the Secretary determines has so acted.

(B)(i)   If the Secretary of State makes a determination under subparagraph (A)(v) with respect to a foreign person, the Congress urges the Secretary to initiate consultations immediately with the government with primary jurisdiction over that person with respect to the imposition of the prohibition contained in subparagraph (C).
(ii)   In order that consultations with that government may be pursued, the Board of Directors of the Bank shall delay imposition of the prohibition contained in subparagraph (C) for up to 90 days if the Secretary of State requests the Board to make such delay. Following these consultations, the prohibition contained in subparagraph (C) shall apply immediately unless the Secretary determines and certifies to the Congress that that government has taken specific and effective actions, including appropriate penalties, to terminate the involvement of the foreign person in the activities described in subparagraph (A)(v).                     The Board of Directors of the Bank shall delay the imposition of the prohibition contained in subparagraph (C) for up to an additional 90 days if the Secretary requests the Board to make such additional delay and if the Secretary determines and certifies to the Congress that that government is in the process of taking the actions described in the preceding sentence.
(iii)   Not later than 90 days after making a determination under subparagraph (A)(v), the Secretary of State shall submit to the appropriate committees of the Congress a report on the status of the consultations with the appropriate government under this subparagraph, and the basis for any determination under clause (ii) that such government has taken specific corrective actions.
(C)   The Board of Directors of the Bank shall not give approval to guarantee, insure, or extend credit, or participate in the extension of credit in support of United States exports to any country, or to or by any person, identified in the report described in subparagraph (A).
(D)   The prohibition in subparagraph (C) shall not apply to approvals to guarantee, insure, or extend credit, or participate in the extension of credit in support of United States exports to a country with respect to which a determination is made under clause (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of subparagraph (A) regarding any specific event described in such clause if the President determines and certifies in writing to the Congress not less than 45 days prior to the date of the first approval following the determination that it is in the national interest for the Bank to give such approvals. (E)    The prohibition in subparagraph (C) shall not apply to approvals to guarantee, insure, or extend credit, or participate in the extension of credit in support of United States exports to or by a person with respect to whom a determination is made under clause (v) of subparagraph (A) regarding any specific event described in such clause if--
(i)   the Secretary of State determines and certifies to the Congress that the appropriate government has taken the corrective actions described in subparagraph (B)(ii); or
(ii)   the President determines and certifies in writing to the Congress not less than 45 days prior to the date of the first approval following the determination that--
(I)   reliable information indicates that--
(aa)   such person has ceased to aid or abet any non-nuclear-weapon state to acquire any nuclear explosive device or to acquire un-safeguarded special nuclear material; and
(bb)    steps have been taken to ensure that the activities described in item (aa) will not resume; or
(II)   the prohibition would have a serious adverse effect on vital United States interests.
(F)   For purposes of this paragraph:
(i)   The term “country” has the meaning given to “foreign state” in section 1603(a) of title 28, United States Code.
(ii)   The term “knowingly” is used within the meaning of the term “knowing” in section 104(h)(3) of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (15 U.S.C. 78dd-2(h)(3)).
(iii)      The term “person” means a natural person as well as a corporation, business association, partnership, society, trust, any other nongovernmental entity, organization, or group, and any governmental entity operating as a business enterprise, and any successor of any such entity.
(iv)   The term “nuclear weapon state” has the meaning given the term in Article IX(3) of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, signed at Washington, London, and Moscow on July 1, 1968.
(v)   The term “non-nuclear weapon state” has the meaning given the term in section 830(5) of the Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-236; 108 Stat. 521).
(vi)   The term “nuclear explosive device” has the meaning given the term in section 830(4) of the Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-236; 108 Stat. 521).
(vii)   The term “un-safeguarded special nuclear material” has the meaning given the term in section 830(8) of the Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act of 1994.


Sec. 2(b)(5).   The Bank shall not guarantee, insure, or extend credit, or participate in the extension of credit in connection with (A) the purchase of any product, technical data, or other information by a national or agency of any nation which engages in armed conflict, declared or otherwise, with the Armed Forces of the United States, (B) the purchase by any nation (or national or agency thereof) of any product, technical data, or other information which is to be used principally by or in any such nation described in clause (A), or (C) the purchase of any liquid metal fast breeder nuclear reactor or any nuclear fuel reprocessing facility. The Bank shall not guarantee, insure, or extend credit, or participate in the extension of credit in connection with the purchase of any product, technical data, or other information by a national or agency of any nation if the President determines that any such transaction would be contrary to the national interest.

Sec. 2(b)(6)(A).   The Bank shall not guarantee, insure, or extend credit, or participate in an extension of credit in connection with any credit sale of defense articles and defense services to any country.

Sec. 2(b)(6)(B).    Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to any sale of defense articles or services if--
(i)   the Bank is requested to provide a guarantee or insurance for the sale;
(ii)   the President determines that the defense articles or services are being sold primarily for anti-narcotics purposes;
(iii)   section 490(e) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 does not apply with respect to the purchasing country;
(iv)   the President determines, in accordance with subparagraph (C), that the sale is in the national interest of the United States; and
(v)   the Bank determines that, notwithstanding the provision of a guarantee or insurance for the sale, not more than 5 percent of the guarantee and insurance authority available to the Bank in any fiscal year will be used by the Bank to support the sale of defense articles or services.

Sec. 2(b)(6)(C).   In determining whether a sale of defense articles or services would be in the national interest of the United States, the President shall take into account whether the sale would--
(i)   be consistent with the anti-narcotics policy of the United States;
(ii)   involve the end use of a defense article or service in a major illicit drug producing or major drug-transit country (as defined in section 481(e) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961); and
(iii)   be made to a country with a democratic form of government.

Sec. 2(b)(6)(D)(i).    The Board shall not give approval to guarantee or insure a sale of defense articles or services unless--
(I)   the President determines, in accordance with subparagraph (C), that it is in the national interest of the United States for the Bank to provide such guarantee or insurance;
(II)   the President determines, after consultation with the Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, that the purchasing country has complied with all restrictions imposed by the United States on the end use of any defense articles or services for which a guarantee or insurance was provided under subparagraph (B), and has not used any such defense articles or services to engage in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights; and
(III)   such determinations have been reported to the Speaker and the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives, and to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, not less than 25 days of continuous session of the Congress before the date of such approval.

Sec. 2(b)(6)(D)(ii).   For purposes of clause (i), continuity of a session of the Congress shall be considered as broken only by an adjournment of the Congress sine die, and the days on which either House is not in session because of an adjournment of more than 3 days to a day certain shall be excluded in the computation of the 25-day period referred to in such clause.

Sec. 2(b)(6)(E).    The provision of a guarantee or insurance under subparagraph (B) shall be deemed to be the provision of security assistance for purposes of section 502B of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (relating to governments which engage in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights).

Sec. 2(b)(6)(F).   To the extent that defense articles or services for which a guarantee or insurance is provided under subparagraph (B) are used for a purpose other than anti-narcotics purposes, they may be used only for those purposes for which defense articles and defense services sold under the Arms Export Control Act [22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.] (relating to the foreign military sales program) may be used under section 4 of such Act [22 U.S.C. 2754].

Sec. 2(b)(6)(G).    As used in subparagraphs (B), (C), (D), and (F), the term "defense articles or services" means articles, services, and related technical data that are designated as defense articles and defense services pursuant to sections 38 and 47(7) of the Arms Export Control Act [22 U.S.C. 2778, 2794(7)] and listed on the United States Munitions List (part 121 of title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations).

Sec. 2(b)(6)(H).    Once in each calendar quarter, the Bank shall submit a report to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate, and the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives on all instances in which the Bank, during the reporting quarter, guaranteed, insured, or extended credit or participated in an extension of credit in connection with any credit sale of an article, service, or related technical data described in subparagraph (G) that the Bank determined would not be put to a military use or described in subparagraph (I)(i).   Such report shall include a description of each of the transactions and the justification for the Bank's actions.

Sec. 2(b)(6)(I)(i).   Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to a transaction involving defense articles or services if--
(I)   the Bank determines that--
(aa)   the defense articles or services are non-lethal; and
(bb)    the primary end use of the defense articles or services will be for civilian purposes; and
(II)   at least 15 calendar days before the date on which the Board of Directors of the Bank gives final approval to Bank participation in the transaction, the Bank provides notice of the transaction to the Committees on Financial Services and on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and on Appropriations of the Senate.

Sec. 2(b)(6)(I)(ii).   Not more than 10 percent of the loan, guarantee, and insurance authority available to the Bank for a fiscal year may be used by the Bank to support the sale of defense articles or services to which subparagraph (A) does not apply by reason of clause (i) of this subparagraph.

Sec. 2(b)(6)(I)(iii).   Not later than September 1 of each fiscal year, the Comptroller General of the United States, in consultation with the Bank, shall submit to the Committees on Financial Services and on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and on Appropriations of the Senate a report on the end uses of any defense articles or services described in clause (i) with respect to which the Bank provided support during the second preceding fiscal year.

Sec. 2(b)(7).    In no event shall the Bank have outstanding at any time in excess of 7 ½ per centum of the limitation imposed by section 6 of this Act for such guarantees, insurance, credits or participation in credits with respect to exports of defense articles and services to countries which, in the judgment of the Board of Directors of the Bank, are less developed.

Sec. 2(b)(8).   The Bank shall supplement but not compete with private capital and the programs of the Commodity Credit Corporation to ensure that adequate financing will be made available to assist the export of agricultural commodities, except that, consistent with section 2(b)(1)(A) of this Act, the Bank in assisting any such export transactions shall, in cooperation with the export financing instrumentalities of other governments, seek to minimize competition in Government-supported export financing, and shall, in cooperation with other appropriate United States Government agencies, seek to reach international agreements to reduce Government subsidized export financing. In order to carry out the purposes of this subsection, the Bank shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture and where the Secretary of Agriculture has recommended against Bank financing of the export of a particular agricultural commodity, shall take such recommendation into consideration in determining whether to provide credit or other assistance for any export sale of such commodity, and shall consider the importance of agricultural commodity exports to the United States export market and the nation's balance of trade in deciding whether or not to provide assistance under this subsection.

Sec. 2(b)(9)(A).   The Board of Directors of the Bank shall, in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce and the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee, take prompt measures, consistent with the credit standards otherwise required by law, to promote the expansion of the Bank’s financial commitments in sub-Saharan Africa under the loan, guarantee, and insurance programs of the Bank.

Sec. 2(b)(9)(B)(i).   The Board of Directors shall establish and use an advisory committee to advise the Board of Directors on the development and implementation of policies and programs designed to support the expansion described in subparagraph (A).

Sec. 2(b)(9)(B)(ii).   The advisory committee shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors on how the Bank can facilitate greater support by United States commercial banks for trade with sub-Saharan Africa.

Sec. 2(b)(9)(B)(iii).   The advisory committee shall terminate on September 30, 2014.

Sec. 2(b)(9)(C).   The Bank shall include in the annual report to the Congress submitted under section 8(a) a separate section that contains a report on the efforts of the Bank to–
(i) improve its working relationships with the African Development Bank, the African Export -Import Bank, and other institutions in the region that are relevant to the purposes of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph; and
(ii) coordinate closely with the United States Foreign Service and Foreign Commercial Service, and with the overall strategy of the United States Government for economic engagement with Africa pursuant to the African Growth and Opportunity Act [19 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.].

Sec. 2(b)(9)(D).    Consistent with the requirement that the Bank obtain a reasonable assurance of repayment in connection with each transaction the Bank supports, the Bank shall, in consultation with the entities described in subparagraph (C), seek to qualify a greater number of appropriate African entities for participation in programs of the Bank.

Sec. 2(b)(10)(A).   The Bank shall not, without a specific authorization by law, guarantee, insure, or extend credit (or participate in the extension of credit) to--
(i)    assist specific countries with balance of payments financing; or
(ii)   assist (as the primary purpose of any such guarantee, insurance, or credit) any country in the management of its international indebtedness, other than its outstanding obligations to the Bank.
(B)  Nothing contained in subparagraph (A) shall preclude guarantees, insurance, or credit the primary purpose of which is to support United States exports.

Sec. 2(b)(11)    Prohibition relating to Angola.   The Bank may not guarantee, insure, or extend (or participate in the extension of) credit in connection with any export of any good (other than food or an agricultural commodity) or service to the People's Republic of Angola until the President certifies to the Congress that free and fair elections have been held in Angola in which all participants were afforded free and fair access, and that the government of Angola--
(A)   is willing, and is actively seeking, to achieve an equitable political settlement of the conflict in Angola, including free and fair elections, through a mutual
cease-fire and a dialogue with the opposition armed forces;
(B)   has demonstrated progress in protecting internationally recognized human rights, and particularly in--
(i)   ending, through prosecution or other means, involvement of members of the military and security forces in political violence and abuses of internationally recognized human rights;
(ii)   vigorously prosecuting persons engaged in political violence who are connected with the government; and
(iii)   bringing to justice those responsible for the abduction, torture, and murder of citizens of Angola and citizens of the United States; and
(C)   has demonstrated progress in its respect for, and protection of--
(i)   the freedom of the press;
(ii) the freedom of speech;
the freedom of assembly;
(iv)   the freedom of association (including the right to organize for political purposes);
(v)   internationally recognized worker rights; and
(vi)   other attributes of political pluralism and democracy.
The President shall include in each report made pursuant to this paragraph a detailed statement with respect to each of the conditions set forth in this paragraph. This paragraph shall not be construed to impose any requirement with respect to Angola that is more restrictive than any requirement imposed by this section generally on all other countries.

Sec. 2(b)(12)    Prohibition relating to Russian transfers of certain missile systems. If the President of the United States determines that the military or Government of the Russian Federation has transferred or delivered to the People’s Republic of China an SS-N-22 missile system and that the transfer or delivery represents a significant and imminent threat to the security of the United States, the President of the United States shall notify the Bank of the transfer or delivery as soon as practicable.      Upon receipt of the notice and if so directed by the President of the United States, the Board of Directors of the Bank shall not give approval to guarantee, insure, extend credit, or participate in the extension of credit in connection with the purchase of any good or service by the military or Government of the Russian Federation.

Sec. 2(b)(13). Prohibition on Assistance To Develop or Promote Certain Railway Connections and Railway-Related Connections.
The Bank shall not guarantee, insure, or extend (or participate in the extension of) credit in connection with the export of any good or service relating to the development or promotion of any railway connection or railway-related connection that does not traverse or connect with Armenia and does traverse or connect Baku, Azerbaijan, Tbilisi, Georgia, and Kars, Turkey.


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