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Motions on the Previous Question - 112th Congress

October 05, 2012

What is a Motion on Ordering the Previous Question on the Rule?

Defeating the previous question gives the minority party the opportunity to decide what bill or amendments the House will consider.  When the motion for the previous question is defeated, control of the time passes to the Member who led the opposition to ordering the previous question.  That Member, because he or she then controls the time, may offer an amendment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of amendment.  In essence, defeat of the previous question gives the minority party control of the floor and of the schedule for the U.S. House of Representatives.

Previous Questions marked with an "*" are one rule that brought multiple bills to the floor.

Bill Rule Date Previous Questions (PQ) Text Vote (Y-N)
H.J. Res. 118

H.R. 3409
H. Res. 788* 9/20/12 The Previous Question would would prohibit the House from adjourning until the President signs middle class tax cuts into law. And would also make in order an amendment to extent the renewable Wind energy tax credit, and bring H.R. 15, a bill to extend middle class tax cuts, to the floor. .pdf» 238-179
H.R. 6365

H.J. Res. 117
H. Res. 778* 9/13/12 The Previous Question would prohibit the House from adjourning until the President signs middle class tax cuts into law and would also bring H.R. 15, a bill to exend middle class tax cuts, to the floor. .pdf» 235-178
H.R. 5544 H. Res. 773 9/11/12 The Previous Question would prohibit the House from adjourning until the President signs middle class tax cuts into law and would also bring H.R. 15, a bill to extend middle class tax cuts, to the floor. .pdf» 232-177
H.R. 6233 H. Res. 752 8/2/12 The Previous Question would prohibit the House from adjourning until the President signs middle class tax cuts into law. .pdf» 236-182
H.R. 6169

H.R. 8
H. Res. 747* 8/1/12 The Previous Question would prohibit the House from adjourning until the President signs middle class tax cuts into law. .pdf» 240-183
H.R. 4078 H. Res. 741 7/26/12 The Previous Question would prohibit the House from adjourning until the President has signed a bill which provides a one year extension of the middle class tax cuts for families making $250,000 or below or $200,000 for individuals. .pdf» 235-138
H.R. 4078

H.R. 6082
H. Res. 738* 7/24/12 The Previous Question would prohibit the House from adjourning until the President has signed a bill which provides a one year extension of the middle class tax cuts for families making $250,000 or below or $200,000 for individuals. .pdf» 238-177
H.R. 6079 H. Res. 724 7/10/12 The Previous Question allows for consideration of H.R. 5542 – Bring Jobs Home Act, and eliminates the tax deduction for moving expenses for companies sending jobs overseas and provides a new tax credit for companies that bring jobs back to the U.S. .pdf» 238-184
H.R. 5972

H.R. 5973
H. Res. 697* 6/26/12 The Previous Question would prohibit adjournment until the President has received legislation to 1) prevent the doubling of student loan interest rates and 2) extend the highway bill. .pdf» 226-168
H.R 4480 H. Res. 691 6/20/12 The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 4816 - to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to extend the reduced interest rate for Federal Direct Stafford Loans, and for other purposes. .pdf» 242-183
H.R. 2578 H. Res. 688 6/19/12 The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 3596, the United States Call Center Worker and Consumer Protection Act. .pdf» 238-178

H.R. 436

H.R. 5882

H. Res. 679* 6/7/12 The Previous Question would require Members of the House and Senate to voluntarily and permanently withdraw from any participation, and waive all rights to participate in Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid, or of any benefit provided under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act before the consideration of any proposed repeal. .pdf» 240-179

H.R. 5743

H.R. 5854

H.R. 5325

H.R. 5855

H. Res. 667* 5/31/12 The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 1519, the Paycheck Fairness Act, to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide more effective remedies to victims of discrimination in the payment of wages on the basis of sex, and for other purposes. .pdf» 233-180
H.R. 4310 H. Res. 661 5/17/12

The Previous Question would amend the rule to make in order the McGovern amendment #101 which would require that the President carry out accelerated transition from U.S. Armed Forces to the Government of Afghanistan of combat operations by no later than the end of 2013; of military and security operations by the end of 2014, accompanied by the redeployment of U.S. troops; and pursue robust negotiations to address Afghanistan’s and the region’s security and stability. It is the sense of Congress that should the president determine the necessity for post-2014 deployment of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, the Congress should authorize any such presence of troops.

.pdf» 236-182

H.R. 4970

H.R. 4310

H. Res. 656* 5/16/12 The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of S. 1925, the bipartisan Senate Violence Against Women Act. .pdf» 235-187
H.R. 5326 H. Res. 643 5/10/12 The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow consideration for H.R. 4816, to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to extend the reduced interest rate for Federal Direct Stafford Loans, and for other purposes. .pdf» 235-174
H.R. 5652 H. Res. 648 5/10/12

The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of the Van Hollen substitute which would replace the entire sequester for 2013 – which would cause deep cuts to important domestic priorities and defense, and even cut Medicare – with savings from specific policies that reflect a balanced approach to deficit reduction. It protects our most vulnerable citizens, asks those earning over $1 million per year to contribute more, eliminates Agriculture direct payments, and cuts subsidies for Big Oil. The PQ would also reform the flood insurance program.

.pdf» 237-177
H.R. 5326 H. Res. 643 5/8/12 The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 4816 - to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to extend the reduced interest rate for Federal Direct Stafford Loans, and for other purposes. .pdf» 235-187

H.R. 3523

H.R. 4628

H. Res. 631* 4/26/12 The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow consideration for H.R. 4816, to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to extend the reduced interest rate for Federal Direct Stafford Loans, and for other purposes. .pdf» 241-179
H.R. 9 H. Res. 620 4/19/12 The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 3903, Paying a Fair Share Act of 2012 to reduce the deficit by imposing a minimum effective tax rate for high-income taxpayers. .pdf» 234-179
H.R. 4348 H. Res. 619 4/18/12

The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 14, the House version of the Senate's bipartisan, job-creating transportation bill.

.pdf» 243-180
H.R. 4089 H. Res. 614 4/17/12 The Previous Question would prohibit the use of reconciliation procedures for the elimination of Medicare or to reduce the benefits or increase costs to seniors or people with disabilities. .pdf» 235-179
H.R. 4281 H. Res. 600 3/29/12 The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 14, the House version of the Senate's bipartisan, job-creating transportation bill. .pdf» 237-178
H. Con. Res. 112 H. Res. 597 3/28/12 The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 4271 to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act of 1994. .pdf» 235-183
H.R. 3309 H. Res. 595 3/27/12

The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 14, the House version of the Senate's bipartisan, job-creating transportation bill.

.pdf» 236-182
H.R. 5 H. Res. 591 3/21/12

The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 14, the House version of the Senate's bipartisan, job-creating transportation bill.  

.pdf» 231-179
H.R. 3606 H. Res. 572 3/7/12

The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 1748, the Taxpayer and Gas Price Relief Act.

.pdf» 244-177
H.R. 2842 H. Res. 570 3/6/12

The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 964, the Federal Price Gouging Prevention Act of 2011.

.pdf» 232-177
H.R. 1837 H. Res. 566 2/29/12

The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 964, the Federal Price Gouging Prevention Act of 2011.

.pdf» 241-178

H.R. 7

H.R. 3813

H.R. 3408

H. Res. 547* 2/7/12

The Previous Question would eliminate tax subsidies for the "Big 5" oil and gas companies.

.pdf» 229-181
H.R. 3521 H. Res. 540 2/8/12 The Previous Question would allow for consideration of the political intelligence provision contained in the STOCK Act, authored by Reps. Walz and Slaughter. .pdf» 240-184

H.R. 3578

H.R. 3582

H. Res. 534* 2/2/12

The Previous Question would allow for consideration of H.R. 3858, to provide that Members of Congress shall not receive a cost of living adjustment in pay during 2013.

.pdf» 238-177

H.R. 3630

H. Res. 501

H. Res. 502* 12/20/11 The Previous Question would allow for the consideration of the bipartisan Senate compromise payroll tax cut bill. .pdf» 233-187
H.R. 1540 H. Res. 493 12/14/11

The Previous Question would allow for consideration of the Levin amendment in the nature of a substitute to support the middle class and create jobs.

.pdf» 235-173
H.R. 3630 H. Res. 491 12/13/11

The Previous Question would allow for consideration of the Levin amendment in the nature of a substitute to support the middle class and create jobs.

.pdf» 236-182
H.R. 1633 H. Res. 487 12/8/11

The Previous Question would require the House to vote on an extension of the payroll tax holiday beyond 2011 and an extension of unemployment benefits before December 16, 2011.

.pdf» 241-173
H.R. 10 H. Res. 479 12/6/11

The Previous Question would require the House to vote on an extension of the payroll tax holiday beyond 2011 and an extension of unemployment benefits before December 16, 2011.

.pdf» 236-184

H.R. 527

H.R. 3010

H.R. 3463

H. Res. 477* 11/30/11

The Previous Question would require the House to vote on an extension of the payroll tax holiday beyond 2011 before December 16, 2011.

.pdf» 239-184
H.J. Res. 2 H. Res. 466 11/17/11

The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 639, the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act.

.pdf» 243-173
H.R. 2838 H. Res. 455 11/14/11

The Previous Question would prohibit the U.S. Coast Guard from procuring items classified as textiles and apparel that are not grown, reprocessed, reused , or produced in the United States.

.pdf» 234-177

H.R. 2930

H.R. 2940

H. Res. 453* 11/3/11

The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 639, the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act.

.pdf» 241-184

H.R. 674

H.R. 2576

H. Res. 448* 10/26/11

The Previous Question would repeal the Section 199 tax loophole for major integrated oil and gas companies.

.pdf» 243-178
H.R. 2273 H. Res. 431 10/14/11

The Previous Question would require that materials used for addition to existing structures or construction of new structures (for coal combustion residuals) come from U.S. materials, except as specified.

.pdf» 237-166
H.R. 2608 H. Res. 412 9/22/11

The Previous Question would amend the rule to insert into the underlying legislation the bipartisan Senate disaster relief bill.

.pdf» 235-177
H.R. 2401 H. Res. 406 9/22/11

The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow consideration of the bill H.R. 1366, the National Manufacturing Strategy Act of 2011.    

.pdf» 237-184
H.R. 2608 H. Res. 405 9/21/11

The Previous Question would amend the rule to insert into the underlying legislation the bipartisan Senate disaster relief bill.

.pdf» 237-188

H.R. 1892

H.R. 2218

H. Res. 392* 9/8/11

The Previous Question would require the Secretary to give priority in awarding grants to entities which plan to use materials made in the United States for the construction or renovation of charter schools.

.pdf» 226-176
H.R. 2560 H. Res. 355 7/19/11 The Previous Question would prohibit any provision in or amendment to the act from applying if it would result in a reduction in private payroll employment or a slower growth of GDP. .pdf» 235-175

H.R. 1249

H.R. 2021

H. Res. 316* 6/22/11 The Previous Question would remove the "Cut-Go" waiver within the rule. .pdf» 230-184
H.R. 1540 H. Res. 276 5/25/11

The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of the bill H.R. 1979, to amend title 10, United States Code, to expand eligibility for concurrent receipt of military retired pay and veterans' disability compensation to include additional chapter 61 disability retirees, to coordinate eligibility for combat-related special compensation and concurrent receipt, to eliminate the reduction of SBP survivor annuities by dependency and indemnity compensation, and to enhance the ability of members of the reserve components who serve on active duty or perform active service to receive credit for such service in determining eligibility for early receipt of non-regular service retired pay.

.pdf» 239-181

H.R. 1216

H.R. 1540

H. Res. 269* 5/24/11

The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of the bill H.R. 964, the Federal Price Gouging Prevention Act of 2011.

.pdf» 233-179
H.R. 1231 H. Res. 257 5/11/11 The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of the bill H.R. 1367, Advanced Vehicle Technology Act of 2011. .pdf» 241-179

H.R. 1230

H.R. 1229

H. Res. 245*


The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow consideration of the bill, H.R. 1689, the Big Oil Welfare Repeal Act of 2011.
.pdf» 241-171

H.R. 1213

H.R. 1214

H. Res. 236*


The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of the bill H.R. 1366, the National Manufacturing Strategy Act of 2011.
.pdf» 234-185
H. Con. Res. 34 H. Res. 223 4/14/2011 The Previous Question would protect Medicare, TRICARE and VA health care reform from privatization or arbitrary spending caps. .pdf» 238-183
H.R. 1217 H. Res. 219
The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of the bill H.R. 1354, American Jobs Matter Act of 2011. .pdf»  238-182
H.R. 1363 H. Res. 206 4/7/11 The Previous Question would provide for a clean, one-week Continuing Resolution ending on April 15, 2011. .pdf» 238-185

H.R. 910

H. Res. 203

The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of the bill S. 388, to prohibit Members of Congress and the President from receiving pay during government shutdowns. .pdf» 266-158

H.R. 1255

H. Res. 194

The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of the bill S. 388, to prohibit Members of Congress and the President from receiving pay during government shutdowns. .pdf»  230-187
H.R. 471 H. Res. 186
The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of the bill H.R. 639, the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act. .pdf» 237-182
H.R. 1076 H. Res. 174
The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of the bill H.R. 11, the Build America Bonds to Create Jobs Now Act of 2011. .pdf» 233-179
H.R. 830 H. Res. 150
The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 964, the Federal Price Gouging Prevention Act of 2011. .pdf» 235-186
H.R. 4 H. Res 129
The Previous Question would prohibit the offset within the legislation from taking effect if it raises taxes on any individual below 500 % of the poverty line. .pdf» 243-185
H.R. 1 H. Res. 92
The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of the bill H.R. 11, Build America Bonds to Create Jobs Now Act of 2011. .pdf» 240-179
H.Res. 72 H. Res 73
The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of the bill H.R. 11, Build America Bonds to Create Jobs Now Act of 2011. .pdf» 240-180
H.R. 359 H. Res. 54
The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 5175, the DISCLOSE Act of the 111th Congress. .pdf» 234-178
H.Res. 38 H. Res. 43
The Previous Question would amend the rule to protect FBI Counterterrorism funding by ensuring that it is considered security spending. .pdf» 238-174

H.R. 2

H.Res 9

H. Res. 26*


The Previous Question would amend the rule to allow for consideration of H.R. 2378, the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act of the 111th Congress.
N/A 236-182
H.Res.5 N/A 1/5/11 The Previous Question would remove budgetary exemptions for health care repeal and tax cuts for the wealthy. .pdf» 236-188