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Hill AFB Carpool/Vanpool   [ Vanpool Vacancies ]

Welcome to the Hill AFB commuting page. The purpose of this page is to inform Hill AFB commuters of opportunities for sharing rides to reduce individual costs and lessen the impact on the environment.

When did it start? As of July 1, 2001 the Air Force transportation incentive program was expanded outside of the National Capital Region to cover all stateside locations. Hill AFB implemented the program November 01, 2001 with 235 participants. Hill employees receiving the incentive now has the largest number of participants Air Force wide with over 1100.

Who is Eligible? Military members and Air Force civilian employees.

How do you apply? Enrollment in the transportation incentive program begins with completion and final approval of an application form. The original must be turned in to OO-ALC/DPCCD, Bldg 1244, with your proper government ID by the first of the month to be eligible for the following month. The application is good for a year. Click Here to obtain the form.

When do I receive my bus pass/vanpool voucher? Applications submitted by the 1st of the month will receive monthly pass/vouchers on the last week of that month for the following month.

Where do I pick up my Voucher? The vanpool participants will be notified via e-mail to pick up vouchers.  They are distributed quarterly in Bldg 1244.  Riders and Drivers are both responsible for picking up vouchers quarterly.

Conversion of the Busses to Vanpools. Hill AFBconverted all Hill Worker busses to Vanpools June 2002. There are still busses that drop off workers in front of the gates, for participants who are able to walk to their buildings. Since the conversion to vanpools, more participants are enrolling in the mass transportation program.

How do I get into a Vanpool? The Vanpool Vacancies link above lists some availabilities drivers have listed. You may contact the driver to see if there is room in his/her van. Or you can call the Hill AFB Transportation Incentive Program Manager at 777-7308 for assistance in compiling a list of participants in your area and drivers.

Points of Contact for Transportation Incentive Program:

Hill AFB Transportation Incentive Program Manager
(801) 777-7308

Contact the POC listed above concerning Hill AFB Vanpool notices. Contact the Webmaster concerning other notices on the page.