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Hill Air Force Base - Hill Air Force Base, UT

Hill Air Force Base
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Hill Air Force BaseSee All
    • Youth League Info: Sign-ups: 15 & 22 Sept 2012 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (There will be FREE BOWLING for those who register.) Youth League will run from 29 Sept 2012 - March 2013. Cost: Pee-Wee: $5.50 per week/person. Topper/Strikers: $7.50 per week/person. Sanction Cards: $18.00 (Not required for Pee-Wee bowlers.) For more information please call: (801) 777-6565 or (801) 777-9911
      8 hours ago
    •  Check out the upcoming Outdoor Adventure Trips for this Fall! Call Outdoor Recreation to sign up or if you have any questions @ 801-777-9666/801-777-3525.
      1 · Monday at 2:31pm
    • On this day, 10 September 2003 - A B-2 successfully dropped 80 independently targeted joint direct attack munitions or JDAM GBU-38 "smart" munitions against 80 separate targets at the Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR) to test a new smart bomb rack assembly. The assembly allowed the B-2 to carry, target, release and control up to 80 GPS-guided weapons rather than its normal load of 16 weapons.
      1 · Monday at 8:38am
    •  Hill afb, I wrote this tribute song in honor of our Air Force. Thanks for your service. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxKkMk1g1ww&feature=plcp
      Monday at 6:49am
  2. Don't miss out on the upcoming Case Lot sale, Sept. 13-15 in the parking lot behind the Commissary.
    Photo: Don't miss out on the upcoming Case Lot sale, Sept. 13-15 in the parking lot behind the Commissary.
  3. RecommendationsSee All
    • Glen Kint
      ... other countries are starting to weigh in , either this country is going to have to have a Revolution or its going to have to fight a War ... other countries know what's going to happen when the fbi and national security agency become the main decision makers in this government and have all the power ... w/ over 60 overseas offices already the fbi and national security agency will direct all their effort towards foreign countries Military and civilians w/ their "remote neural monitoring" program just like they did in America ...
    • Glen Kint
      national security agency director keith boy alexander , the national security agency and the fbi , you actually thought you could control the world w/ your "remote neural monitoring" program and that you would do it before anyone caught on ... you figured you would have things well under control before anyone figured out what was going on and what happened to the "missing" $3.4 TRILLION from the Pentagon ... national security agency director keith boy alexander , the national security agency and the fbi , you thought you had the ultimate "black operation" , using remote satellite technology in the way of "remote neural monitoring" , so there is no trace ... BUT how do you fund such an operation because you know you have to fund what is a mass experiment before anyone catches on what the fbi and national security agency is doing ... hence the missing $3.4 TRILLION from the Pentagon ...
    • Glen Jones
      This from Glen Joseph ( Allentown , PA ) facebook page >>> This was a comment from a post by someone >>> "we need international intervention for tactics and weapons we cannot confirm and our government denies. i guess just letting others know is the best i can do. how do we protest or vote on or make laws against what the government protects and hides ?" Can you imagine America needing international intervention ? That's exactly what this country needs ... SAD
    • Glen Kint
      The Department of Defense are the ones who gave the fbi and national security agency the technology they use on American citizens and I'm sure on other people . You should keep this in mind ..." He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it . He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it " . - MLK ... The DoD is the organization who is responsible for these organizations having this technology ...
  4. Two of Hill AFB's chaplains are featured in a Deseret News story today about the vital role chaplains play in the military. They do so much for our Airmen and their families!
  5. The USAF "Portraits in Courage" program was developed to highlight the honor, valor, devotion and selfless sacrifice of America's Airmen. This year's edition features Hill AFB's own Capt. Jennifer Curtis, a family nurse practitioner. Read her incredible story below.
  6. Click here to see photos and read about events that took place during Air Force Week!
  7. Don't miss out on all the fun tonight as the Davis County Fair hosts Hill AFB Appreciation Night! The fair is free and the concert tickets are half price for Hill AFB employees. For more information on the fair visit www.davisfair.org

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