U.S. Department of Commerce

Research @ Census

Research Data Products

Census Bureau researchers are developing new tools that make data more accessible and understandable. They also create new data products from existing data collections. This ongoing work extends the value of existing data and reduces the need for new surveys while at the same time protecting confidentiality.

Demographic - People and Households

Economic - Businesses

Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics - Workforce

  • Industry Focus
    Determines the top industries for local areas and local workers: focus on a particular industry to see how it ranks among top industries, and see the characteristics of those who work in that industry
  • OnTheMap
    An online web-based mapping and reporting tool that shows concentrations of employment or residences as well as spatial relationships between home and work
  • OnTheMap for Emergency Management
    A national public data tool that provides unique details on the workforce for areas affected by emergency events, in real time
  • Quarterly Workforce Indicators
    A set of economic indicators that can be queried by different levels of geography as well as by detailed industry, gender, and age of workers
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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Research and Methodology Directorate | census.research@census.gov | Last Revised: March 26, 2012