Biennial Poster Contest

The Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) biennial Slogan Contest is designed to promote and encourage absentee voting.

The 2011 poster contest is now completed. This year, the department received more than 100 posters from all branches of the Uniformed Services, the State Department, local election officials and citizens living around the world. A panel of judges which included Members of the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and Service Voting Action Officers was asked to rank their top selections based on originality and motivational value. These posters will be part of the FVAP’s 2012-2013 outreach campaign which focuses on increasing voter awareness among U.S. citizens worldwide and will be featured in the 2012-2013 Voting Assistance Guide, on motivational posters, and other FVAP publications.

The winning poster, entitled “Baggage Claim”, was created by Stephen Gentry of the Larimer County, Colorado Elections Department. The poster can be seen at: winner. 2d Lt Matt Jurcak, U.S. Air Force, won an honorable mention for his poster, which can be seen at:

Last updated: 07.30.2012