



Voters from these States should visit FVAP.gov to register and request their absentee ballot for the August and September 2012 State Primary elections listed below:

August Primaries:
NOTE for August Primaries: If you have not received your requested State ballot, submit the back-up Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) at FVAP.gov (see FWAB information below).

September Primaries:

It may not be too late to participate in the April primaries. View the Primary Election Calendar at FVAP.gov for more information.

Go to FVAP.gov and get started! It only takes a few minutes!

All members of the U.S. Uniformed Services, their family members, and citizens residing outside the U.S. who are residents from these States should submit an FPCA for these elections by going to the FVAP.gov web portal or by following the instructions in the Voting Assistance Guide, also available at FVAP.gov.

Be sure you include an email address, phone number, and/or fax number on your absentee ballot application in case your local election official needs to contact you. Remember, many States allow you to submit your form electronically, and deliver your ballot electronically or provide online ballot access. Go to FVAP.gov or your State’s election website to see how you can return your form.

To find out the status of your registration/absentee ballot request, contact your local election office, or visit your State website.

Vote the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB)

The FWAB is a backup ballot. If 30 days before the election (or longer based on your location) you think you will not receive your State ballot in time to vote and return it (especially in August Primary States), vote the FWAB at FVAP.gov. The FWAB is also available in embassies and consulates and military installations around the world.

Additional information

Check your State's election website for specific information on candidates, elections, contact information, and links to your local election offices. Find your State's website at FVAP's web portal.


If you’d like more information on the Federal Voting Assistance Program or need help with the absentee voting process please go to the www.FVAP.gov web portal or contact the FVAP at 703-588-1584 (toll free 1-800-438-VOTE). Email the program at VOTE@FVAP.GOV and don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DoDFVAP and follow @FVAP on Twitter for election updates throughout 2012.

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