Education and Reference

FVAP has created a series of educational and reference materials for election officials interested in learning more about the UOCAVA absentee voting process. The guided training module covers an introduction to the UOCAVA absentee voting process, the FAQs answer some of the more frequently asked questions about UOCAVA voting and there are also FPCA/FWAB State specific worksheets that election officials can complete as a quick reference quide of key deadlines and information about the UOCAVA voting process.

Guided Training

Election Official Guided Training

**Please NOTE, once you have completed the site registration process, you must wait 24 hours for the system to activate your account before you can log in to access your training.**

For assistance accessing or navigating this course, please use the Training Module User Guide or call 703-377-4857.

Quick Reference Guides

Frequently Asked Questions (Adobe Acrobat)

FPCA State-Specific Worksheet (Microsoft Word)

FWAB State-Specific Worksheet (Microsoft Word)

Last updated: 08.29.2012