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The command chaplain helps advance EUCOM’s objectives of regional security and stability by providing advice and situational awareness on all matters related to religion, ethics and morale. Religious freedom contributes to regional stability. Where there is religious or ethnic tension, religious leaders can help mitigate these tensions, and the command chaplain engages other nations’ religious leaders to help them in those efforts. But, the command chaplain’s work starts within the command to extend to partner nations and beyond. In everything its staff does, the command chaplain advocates for justice, human dignity and religious freedom.

With more than 262 active duty chaplains, chaplain assistants and religious program specialists, the command chaplain oversees religious support to EUCOM’s service members and coordinates with all service components and any identified joint task force command chaplains to ensure they meet the religious needs of EUCOM’s constituencies. Part of the chaplain’s programs helps reunite warriors and their families, ensuring they receive appropriate care upon redeployment from combat operations.

Equally important, EUCOM’s command chaplain engages with long-established and newly emerging chaplaincies of the 51 nations within EUCOM’s area of responsibility, serving as a resource for emerging chaplaincies and actively helping establish chaplaincies within nations where they don’t yet exist. The annual EUCOM International Military Chiefs of Chaplains Conference and NATO Chaplains Operations Course aid in this process. With chaplains of NATO and Partners for Peace nations, It builds strong relationships, increases communication, aids in resource-sharing, and provides training opportunities, including a personal visitation program.

The command chaplain’s vision includes a “whole of government” approach by forging non-military partnerships that increase religious harmony and establishing contact with faith-based institutions and NGOs to aid humanitarian assistance and other relevant programs. It also engages local national civilian and military religious leaders to promote religious cooperation and regional stability.

Director: Army Chaplain (COL) David R Beauchamp (.pdf, 393 KB)
Address: HQ USEUCOM/ECCH, Unit 30400, APO AE 09131
Comm: +49 (0)711-680-5151
DSN: 314-430-5151
Fax: +49 (0)711-680-8680

Media: Chaplain RSS


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