
API » Demographics API - By Geography Type And Geography Name

This API allows the user to search for the demographic information for a particular geography type and geography name.

Please note: TimeSeries Fall2010 and Dec2010 are no longer available. Use /jun2011/

Why We Provide It
We are providing this API to increase the value of the transparency of the National Broadband Map. With this API users can search for and return demographic information for a particular geography type (e.g., state, congressional district) and geography names (e.g., Virginia).

Review Data Dictionary


API Base

API Call
{API Base}/demographic/{dataVersion}/{geographyType}/names/{geographyNames}?format={format}&callback={functionName}//

Sample Call,jefferson?format=json

Required Parameters
specify the data version for search(no defaults). Examples: jun2011

specify one of the following geography type: censusplace, msa, usf, county, statesenate, statehouse, congdistrict

specify the geography names to search for separated by commas and a maximum of 10 are allowed

Optional Parameters
format (optional):
XML, JSON, JSONP (XML is default)

callback (optional)
JSONP callback function name



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Response status="OK" responseTime="232">
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<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">
<Results myAreaIndicator="false">

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