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About the National Information Center (NIC)

The National Information Center (NIC) provides comprehensive information on banks and other institutions for which the Federal Reserve has a supervisory, regulatory, or research interest including both domestic and foreign banking organizations operating in the U.S. The NIC Public Web Site is an interface to the NIC data, which may be accessed by selecting “Institution Search","USBA Search", or “Top 50 BHCs” from the menu bar.

When navigating the site, click on the "Help" link at the bottom of any page to learn more about the features in that page. Click on "FAQ" (frequently asked questions) to see if there is an answer to a question that you may have.


A brief summary and status of the availability of Financial data for Bank Holding Companies (BHCs) and U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banking Organizations (FBOs) are available. Data, including revisions, are updated daily during the business week.

What's New

When changes occur each quarter, a brief summary of the changes will be listed here. The "What's New" category will be displayed for approximately 30 days. "What's New" will not be displayed again until the next financial reporting period, unless there is a major change to the site or changes affecting the status of the financial information being reported.

Institution Search

The Institution Search option allows you to perform a search for an institution's current or historical data. The information returned as a result of a search is referred to as the Institution Profile

The Institution Profile provides detailed characteristic information about an institution. Characteristic information includes attributes such as Institution Type, Location, and Primary Federal Regulator. The following Structure information is also included:

  1. Organization Hierarchy - The ownership relationships of the institution.
  2. Institutions Acquired - Displays acquisitions made by the institution.
  3. Institution History - Changes to an institution's characteristic and structure information over time
  4. Branch Locator - A search option that provides a comprehensive list of all branches belonging to an institution. Not all banks will have branches therefore, the option will only be available to those that do.

Financial data are provided, through links from the Institution Profile page, for all Bank Holding Companies (BHCs) and the Report of Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of FBOs (FFIEC 002) when available.

USBA Search

The U.S. Branches and Agencies of FBOs Search allows you to search specifically for these types of institutions.

Top 50 BHCs

These are bank holding companies with the largest consolidated total assets and are ranked each quarter on a scale of 1 to 50.


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