Fort McPherson, steeped in tradition and proud of its appearance and history, is a blend of the old and new. It is home of the headquarters for the Installation Management Command, Southeast Region; U.S. Army Forces Command; U.S. Army Reserve Command; U.S. Army Central and other important activities.
Fort McPherson’s nearest Army neighbor and sub-installation is Fort Gillem, located in Forest Park. Fort Gillem is an essential industrial, logistical support base, housing numerous Army, DoD and other government agencies. Those agencies include First Army, the U.S. Army and Air Force Exchange Distribution Region, the Military Entrance Processing Station and the U.S. Army Second Recruiting Brigade. Fort Gillem also hosts the only crime lab in the U.S. Army.
 Fort McPherson and Fort Gillem share common services and morale support activities. This Web site will provide you a better idea of the services available to you through the U.S. Army Garrison.
Atlanta is a thriving metropolis with a population of more than 5 million people. The city offers traditional southern hospitality, a favorable climate, excellent transportation, cultural activities, educational facilities, entertainment and professional athletic events.  Whether you have already arrived, have recently received orders to report here or are visiting, the information in this Web site is designed to help you get settled and learn about our on-post services and off-post opportunities.

NOTICE:  The Force Protection Condition for Fort McPherson and Fort Gillem is ALPHA.







LastUpdated: 9/10/2008 12:20:15 PM