The Army's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Mild Brain Injury Program
The Army's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Mild Brain Injury Program

<b>Soldier Version:</b><br>
The Soldier version of the PTSD/MTBI Chain Teaching program is for internal use by commanders and leaders. The intent of this chain-teach is to train leaders and educate and inform Soldiers to identify the signs and symptoms of PTSD/MTBI and reinforce the collective responsibility to take care of each other. Army ALARACT 153/2007 DTG 171457Z: Interim Guidance Aca,!" Army Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI)/Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness and Response Program, requires all Soldiers in all components to complete this training by 18 October 2007.
We will never leave a fallen comrade.<br>
<b><a href="" target=_blank>Download the Soldier Version</a></b><br>
<i>The presentation is a self-extractable WINZIP (.exe) file. Click on the link, save the file to your computer desktop and then double click the new file on your computer. The training package will create a new folder with all necessary training files.</i><br>
<b><a href="" target=_blank>Download Soldier Version Setup Instructions</a></b><br>
<b>Family Readiness Version:</b><br>
An online video file of the PTSD/MTBI Chain Teaching Program is being made available to Family Readiness Group (FRG) Leaders. This version is tailored for unit leaders to present at FRG meetings to help familiarize Family Members with signs and symptoms of PTSD/MTBI, and for further use by Family Readiness Groups to educate and inform spouses and Family Members. Families are key: they are often the first ones to detect a change in the behavior of their Soldier.
We will never leave a fallen comrade.<br>
<b><a href="'video_items_id_key=5533" target=_blank>View in Army Media Player</a> | <a href="" target=_blank>Windows Media Download</a> | <a href="" target=_blank>Quicktime Download</a></b><br>
<i>If a new window does not Pop-up when you click a link above, please ensure that your Pop-up blocker is turned off (Internet Explorer Tools/Pop-Up Blocker). If you encounter a problem downloading a file, contact your local help desk.</i><br>

Page last updated Mon July 16th, 2007 at 17:01