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PDHRA for Soldiers

What is the PDHRA?
The Post-Deployment Health Reassessment (PDHRA) is a comprehensive health screening that examines for physical and behavioral health concerns associated with deployment.

Who takes the PDHRA?
All Active Duty, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, Individual Ready Reserve and Department of Army (DA) Civilians who deployed outside the continental United States (OCONUS) for more than 30 days to a location with a non-fixed Military Treatment Facility must take the PDHRA.

When should you take the PDHRA?
The screening should be conducted 90 to 180 days after re-deployment because research indicates that this is when symptoms may appear. A timely PDHRA is vital to identifying deployment-related health issues early before they develop into more serious issues. Additionally, a stoplight is provided for Army Soldiers and DA Civilians when they log into to AKO, reminding them of their eligibility for this screening.

How do you take the PDHRA?
The screening is comprised of three components:

  • Post-Deployment Resilience Training (IAW AR 350-1; formerly known as Battlemind Training)
  • DD Form 2900
  • A confidential, one-on-one discussion with a health care provider
Each step, along with your honest participation given in a timely manner, will ensure an accurate assessment of your health.

You will receive guidance from your Commander letting you know when your PDHRA is scheduled and how to complete each step. Some will participate at an on-site event while others may complete the screening online or via the phone call center. If your Commander has not yet provided you with guidance, proactively reach out to them for assistance.

For more information:
Army G1

PDHRA for Commanders

The PDHRA is a vital tool for promoting the well-being of Soldiers and enhancing unit readiness by minimizing the impact of non-deployables on unit operational readiness.

Personnel Officers (G1s/S1s) in partnership with Medical Staff Officers are responsible for ensuring that the PDHRA is coordinated, promoted and monitored within the unit. Research shows that Commanders who actively and regularly discuss the PDHRA and its importance with Soldiers can positively influence honest participation.

Log into AKO and visit the PDHRA for Commanders page to learn more about coordinating the PDHRA for your unit.

For more information:
Department of Defense Instruction Regarding Deployment Health (11 Aug 06)
Department of the Army/G-1 PDHRA Compliance Memorandum (6 May 10)

Resources for Families

Family members and loved ones play an important role in the PDHRA process. Research shows that loved ones have a powerful influence on a Soldier’s candid participation in the PDHRA. The screening provides Soldiers with an opportunity to proactively identify and then—if needed—treat any deployment-related health problems that may negatively affect their daily life, family, career and/or future. Open and honest participation is strongly encouraged for an accurate assessment. Please speak with your Soldier or DA Civilian about the importance of the PDHRA for their own well-being, your family and their future.

Remember, Soldiers don’t have to wait for the PDHRA to get help. For medical advice or attention, please make an appointment with your local health care provider or Medical Treatment Facility. For immediate assistance, please call the Wounded Soldier and Family Hotline at 1-800-984-8523 or the Veterans Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and press 1.

Frequently Asked Questions
Additional Resources

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PDHRA Information Site was last updated on 04/19/07.