Statistical Agencies
Click for contact details United States Geological Survey

Collects data on nonfuel minerals and materials, including mineral resources, production, demand, use, recycling, and trade. Collects and maintains data on the quality, availability, and use of the Nation's water, including streamflow data for flood forecasting; streamflow data that help determine water allocations for agriculture, industry, and domestic supply; streamflow data for hydropower, navigation, instream habitat, engineering design of bridges and flood control structures, and other purposes; water quality data used by EPA and the states for compliance with the Clean Water Act and other regulations; and data on the availability and quality of ground water that help determine sustainability of supplies for the future. Through its Biological Resources Discipline, collects and analyzes data on birds and fish to determine trends in environmental contamination, tracks species and their habitats, and studies migratory game and nongame birds. Data from the annual breeding bird survey are used to identify species whose populations are declining and which may eventually become candidates for listing under the Endangered Species Act.

Commodity minerals
International minerals
Mineral Resources Data System
State minerals
Water resources

   (USGS) Dept of Interior

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