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Teen Survival Guide

girl thinking

Discovering your interests and talents

It's good to have fun, but it's also important to have goals for your future. You may not know that you can look ahead just by thinking about your likes, dislikes, interests, and values. Try this exercise to find out what you enjoy, what you are good at, and what's important to you. Once you know these things, you can start setting goals and going after them.

My favorite subjects in school are:





pencil and paper

When I have time for myself, I like to:





People tell me that I am good at:





students working together

I think some of my special skills and talents are:





I would like to learn more about:





If I could change something about my community or the world, I would:






Once you find out what you would like to do or learn more about, the next step is to find ways to try it out. Check out to get ideas on how to do this.

From: Kendra (age 15), Flagstaff, Arizona

Between after-school activities and hanging out with my friends, I barely have time to do my homework. What should I do?

When you are in school, your job is to get good grades, so finding time for your homework should be the first thing on your to-do list. You can try to better plan out your time by using a calendar to keep track of homework assignments, practices, and meetings. Also, make a "to-do" list each day and check off important tasks as they get done. Make sure you get the most important things on your list done first, and then move on to things like hanging out with friends or watching TV. If these ideas don’t work, you might have to cut out an activity.

Content last updated February 12, 2008

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
