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ALERT!! Having Login Problem with CPOL Portal & other CAC Applications?? ... Read more

Link to Army News article Oct 3, 2012 - Army researchers using cutting-edge 3D printers
Fifty years ago, what goes on in this lab would have been considered science fiction, but these artisan engineers create three-dimensional objects in printers that seem like Star Trek replicators. "It's allowed us to develop items for the warfighter quicker," said Rapid Technologies Branch Chief Rick Moore, "We're able to come up with concepts and designs using our [computer-aided design] software, print them out and have them in an engineer's hand the next day." Read More

Link to Stand Down News article Sep. 27 2012 - Shoulder to Shoulder: We Stand Up for Life
Click the image or the link below to read more and find resources for
the Army Suicide Stand Down of Thu Sept 27, 2012

We can't afford to lose another Civilian, Soldier or Family member to suicide....

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Link to DoD News site Sep. 25, 2012 - Defense Department Committed to Cybersecurity,
The Defense Department remains vigilant and committed to cybersecurity, especially since its cyber operations present a target for hackers, a senior Pentagon official said here today. Defense Department officials take cybersecurity very seriously, and that creates pressure on the department's information technology personnel to stay vigilant ...
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DoD Memorandum: Civilian and Military Personnel Participation in Political Activities As Election Day 2012 approaches, it is important that all DoD personnel- military and civilian- be aware of the limitations that exist when participating in political activity. All personnel are encouraged to carry out the obligations of citizenship. Eligible voters are encouraged to vote. ... this notice provides a general overview of the rules and includes hyper links to more specific guidance ... Read more.

Link to Office of Personnel Management dot Gov site The revised Guide to Federal Benefits, Nov 2012 edition, is now accessible on OPM's website. There are guides for: Federal Civilian Employees;   Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC) & Former Spouse Enrollees;   Individuals Receiving Compensation from the Office of Worker's Compensation Programs (OWCP);   Certain Temporary Employees;  and Federal Retirees and Their Survivors. The Guides cover the Federal Benefit Programs and give details intended to inform you about the choices available to you. ... Read More

Image of a red Question mark on a white field July 12, 2012 - What happened to Resume Builder/Answer?
The Army completed its transition to the DoD Enterprise Recruitment Tool (USA Staffing) effective, 1 May 2012.  USA Staffing is the single hiring process and tool used by all DoD components.   Effective, 12 July 2012 applicants no longer have access to Resume Builder.   Applicants will be able to view the status ... Read More

link to iSalute - Suspicious Activity Reporting

Click the image to access iSalute
iSalute is an online Counterintelligence (CI) Reporting Portal designed to complement other Army threat awareness and reporting initiatives and foster partnerships with CI, Law Enforcement organizations and Army communitites. iSalute focuses on foreign threats to DoD and the Army from espionage activities, terrorist threats, and the insider threat.


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