Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

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METI Journal 2016 November. Feature1 : Cyber security measures -Are you forwarding on them?-  Feature2 : Japanese infrastructure -Leading forward and spreading throughout the world!-
Minister Seko attends the Tenth Japan-China Energy Conservation and Environment Forum (November 26)
Minister Seko attends the APEC Ministerial Meeting (AMM)(November 17-20)
CEO Voices in Japan -For further enhancing foreign investment in Japan-
Japanese Regional Information.METI related regional initiatives by prefectue.
Regional Affairs - METI External Economic Policy by Region and Country -
Current Status of Fukushima Daiichi NPS / Information on Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management
An initiative that represents symbolic reconstruction and recovery of Fukushima / Offshore Wind Farm Demonstration and Research Project
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    • Thumbnail of Photo Gallery(November 17-20)
    • Thumbnail of CEO Voices in Japan
    • Thumbnail of Regional Infomation
    • Thumbnail of Regional Affairs
    • Thumbnail of Current Status of Fukushima Daiichi NPS
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Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(JCN 4000012090001)
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