NancyPelosi: Moments ago, for the 4th time during this recess, #DoNothingGOP refused Democrats request to get back to work.

October 05 @ 10:55 AM

NancyPelosi: Today's jobs report marks lowest unemployment rate in 4 yrs, but more work to do. Unemployment rate is lower than when Pres took office.

October 05 @ 10:40 AM

NancyPelosi: Gov. Romney's not alone in wanting to end Big Bird. House GOP has been trying for yrs, instead of asking wealthiest to pay their fair share.

October 04 @ 07:15 PM

NancyPelosi: Survey of one million AARP members finds nearly 8 in 10 oppose Paul Ryans Medicare voucher plan. (pdf p. 11)

October 03 @ 05:13 PM

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