United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE: Veterans Employment Special - 2012

This country owes a profound debt to all Veterans, and military families. In these tough economic times, we’re especially cognizant of our service members transitioning to civilian life, as well as our military spouses. And we must give them the best possible tools to succeed in professional pursuits.” - Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta

A Snapshot of Our Nation’s Veterans

Federal, state and community leaders; private businesses; non-profits; and community organizations use information about the military veteran population from the American Community Survey and Economic Census to determine the programs, services and infrastructure that serve the needs of our veterans. What follows is the most recent snapshot of veterans statistics. PDF | HiRes

Who Are U.S. Veterans?
Where Do They Live?
What Are Their Education Levels?
When Did They Serve?
Where Do They Work?
What Are Their Incomes?

Top Stories

Labor Department Awards Grants
For Veteran Job Training

: The Labor Department awarded grants totaling $11.53 million through the Veterans’ Workforce Investment Program to provide an estimated 5,500 veterans with job training and skills development services. Story

Employers Court Troops,
Spouses, Vets at Job Fairs

Transitioning service members, military spouses and veterans attending hundreds of job fairs around the country are finding themselves on the proverbial red carpet. Story

Programs Offers New Education Opportunities to Veterans

Unemployed veterans between 35 and 60 years old have an opportunity to begin a new career in one of more than 211 high-demand occupations by applying for enrollment in the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program. Story

Grants to Help Veterans Get Jobs
As Physician Assistants

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced $2.3 million in grants to train primary care physician assistants and help veterans transition from the military to civilian physician assistant careers. Story


Cheryl Blackburn

Army Vet Finds VA Retraining Program
After going through a number of jobs after leaving the Army, Cheryl Blackburn has found valuable help with the Veterans Affairs' Veterans Retraining Assistance Program. Profile

Tim Pollard

VA, DOL Set Vietnam Vet Down New Path
Navy veteran Tim Pollard has a new lease on life thanks to his connections to veterans groups and the Veterans Affairs Department, along with help from the Department of Labor. Profile

David Jensen

Veteran Learns Market Value, Lands Job
Retired Air Force Lt. Col. David Jensen knew what he had to do to get a job after 28 years in the military, and it landed him the position he wanted at Oshkosh Defense. Profile

Corey Wynn

National Guard Vet Gets Help, Secures Job
When Corey Wynn, an Iraq military veteran, was struggling with a lengthy job search and a bout with unemployment, a group of veterans’ organizations helped him to land a job. Profile