DNA Laboratory Audits and Accreditation

NIJ has suspended the GPA program on September 30, 2011. NIJ has funded the continuation of free DNA audits to laboratories through September 30, 2012. View NIJ's notification letter regarding this change.

External DNA Audits

Publicly funded crime laboratories can receive a free external DNA audit. The audit features:

  • Audit teams and audit duration scaled to meet laboratory staff size.
  • Audits meets the requirements of the Quality Assurance Standards for DNA Laboratories (QAS).
  • Audits facilitated by auditors trained by the FBI in the use of the "Quality Assurance Audit For Forensic DNA And Convicted Offender DNA Databasing Laboratories" checklist approved by the National DNA Index System (NDIS).
  • Audit document checklist completed in compliance with NDIS requirements.
  • Audit directed by a Lead Auditor with considerable auditing experience.
  • Reports reviewed before issuance by the Program Manager for consistency in interpretation.
  • Report of findings and observations sent to the laboratory management and to NDIS.

For more information and to schedule an audit, visit the National Forensic Science Technology Center's DNA Audit Program Web page. DNA audits are funded through a cooperative agreement from the National Institute of Justice.

Grant Progress Assessments

The National Institute of Justice has provided hundreds of millions of dollars in DNA grant funds for the analysis of convicted offender DNA samples, the processing of DNA casework and the enhancement of DNA laboratory capacity.

To increase the oversight of these grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts, the NIJ funded the Forensic Science Center of Excellence  to perform Grant Progress Assessments (GPA) as an extension of the existing DNA Audit Program. The GPA program is applicable to laboratories receiving NIJ DNA grants and to NIJ DNA contract vendors. 

GPA Features:

  • Provided at no-cost to NIJ DNA grantees
  • Scheduled as part of the NIJ-NFSTC DNA audits
  • Occur with the same frequency as the DNA audits – once every two years
  • Conducted concurrently for all grantees within a given state
  • Conducted for each NIJ Convicted Offender vendor laboratory
  • Provide preparation information and documentation to laboratories through the NFSTC Web site

Grant Programs Applicable for Laboratory Accreditation

To be eligible for most laboratory enhancement funding programs, laboratories must be accredited by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD-LAB), the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME), or other appropriate accrediting bodies.

Laboratories can use funding under the Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program to prepare for laboratory accreditation. Funds also may be used for application and maintenance fees charged by appropriate accrediting bodies.

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