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Table 6-8: Transportation Expenditures by State and Local Governments: 20081

(Millions of current dollars)

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State Total Highway Transit Air Water
Alabama 2,403 2,006 74 146 177
Alaska 1,798 1,533 48 100 116
Arizona 4,504 3,005 951 548 Z
Arkansas 1,328 1,200 25 89 14
California 27,889 16,054 7,834 2,921 1,080
Colorado 3,529 2,378 611 540 Z
Connecticut 1,911 1,371 484 54 2
Delaware 765 588 126 17 34
District of Columbia 2,332 416 1,916 Z Z
Florida 14,360 10,701 1,496 1,736 427
Georgia 5,695 3,900 800 793 203
Hawaii 1,166 581 231 295 60
Idaho 950 882 17 49 2
Illinois 12,176 6,861 3,774 1,540 <0.5
Indiana 3,645 2,842 189 605 9
Iowa 2,026 1,852 79 95 Z
Kansas 1,955 1,862 32 61 Z
Kentucky 2,844 2,547 132 152 13
Louisiana 3,488 2,969 145 175 199
Maine 788 717 11 52 8
Maryland 4,285 2,937 873 248 226
Massachusetts 5,537 2,883 2,137 423 94
Michigan 5,015 3,779 597 638 1
Minnesota 4,442 3,813 272 337 21
Mississippi 1,866 1,689 15 128 34
Missouri 3,555 2,852 390 312 2
Montana 836 775 15 46 Z
Nebraska 1,335 1,208 39 87 Z
Nevada 2,109 1,455 309 344 Z
New Hampshire 798 660 19 117 1
New Jersey 6,690 3,854 2,765 42 29
New Mexico 1,384 1,204 89 91 Z
New York 26,510 9,777 14,244 2,079 410
North Carolina 4,717 3,607 558 492 60
North Dakota 676 621 7 48 Z
Ohio 5,983 4,810 703 447 24
Oklahoma 2,261 1,974 104 180 3
Oregon 3,183 1,920 822 257 185
Pennsylvania 10,345 7,572 2,220 483 70
Rhode Island 722 306 139 274 2
South Carolina 1,746 1,425 76 95 149
South Dakota 707 672 9 26 Z
Tennessee 2,532 2,015 202 312 3
Texas 18,143 14,333 1,983 1,406 422
Utah 2,121 1,428 499 194 Z
Vermont 509 442 46 21 <0.5
Virginia 5,770 3,594 575 1,268 332
Washington 6,900 3,867 1,904 608 520
West Virginia 1,190 1,098 48 44 <0.5
Wisconsin 4,075 3,561 307 199 8
Wyoming 775 723 4 48 Z
United States, total 232,265 155,117 50,944 21,264 4,940

1 State fiscal years ending in 2008.

KEY: Z = Data not available, no activity, value of zero, or value too small to report.

NOTES: Data are for fiscal year 2008. The fiscal year for most states runs from July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008. Fiscal year 2008 for Alabama and Michigan runs from October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008. Fiscal year 2008 for Texas runs from September 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008. The fiscal year for New York runs from April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008.

Not all agencies of a government necessarily have a fiscal period that coincides with the central organization. Totals for an individual government, in those instances, are the summation of finances for all agencies with a fiscal period ending between July 1, 2007, and June 30, 2008.

Details may not add to totals due to rounding, and values that are too small to report.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, State and Local Government Finances (2008), available at as of Jul. 8, 2011.

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