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Our What's New page tells you what information has been recently added or updated at FedCenter.gov. Stop back here periodically to stay current on all recent activity at FedCenter.

October 16, 2012
Agenda for the Inter-Agency Forum on Climate Change Impacts & Adaptations held on September 26, 2012. This session is in parallel with the GreenGov Symposium, and will be held from 1:00-5:00 pm at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC. (Note: No webinar capability is available). We will return to an onsite session at NASA Headquarters for 30 October 2012, with webinar capability.
Agenda for the Inter-Agency Forum on Climate Change Impacts & Adaptations to be held on October 30, 2012, from 1:00pm-4:15pm at NASA HQ building in Washington DC.
Agenda for the Inter-Agency Forum on Climate Change Impacts & Adaptations to be held on November 30, 2012, from 8:30am-11:30am at NASA HQ building in Washington DC.
October 15, 2012
This MS Excel workbook, released September 21, 2011, updated through October 15, 2012 by DOE's Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), provides electronic reporting capability for the Federal agency compiled comprehensive GHG inventory for FY2011 for the purpose of measuring progress toward the goals established under EO 13514. The workbook collects agency-aggregated data necessary for calculating scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions in the commonly-used, native units of energy consumption and fugitive emissions as well as activity data for estimating scope 3 indirect emissions. It provides users with the summation of their calculated emissions as well as other performance results for other sustainability goals. Version 2.2 adjusted formulas pertaining to on-site renewable energy generation and assumptions for Scope 3 business travel. Version 2.3 corrects the eGRID subregion emission factors on Sheet 1.7, Electricity (Direct Entry) and updates the formula on Sheet 2.2 (column z) to accommodate ground-source heat pump (GSHP) projects. Version v2.4 corrects a mistake in how green power purchases from off-site projects were added to total Btu consumption in Tab 4.4, Other Data cell F10. This will increase total delivered Btu for the energy intensity calculation by the amount of green power purchased from off-site projects. Click here for v3.0 changes.
StormCon, the North American Surface Water Quality Conference and Exposition, is now seeking abstracts for presentations at StormCon 2013. The conference will take place August 18 22, 2013, in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Abstracts are due 5 December 2012. The six conference tracks are: BMP Case Studies; Green Infrastructure; Stormwater Program Management; Erosion and Sediment Control; Water-Quality Monitoring; and Advanced Research Topics. The Coastal Protection Symposium takes place concurrently with StormCon and focuses on infrastructure protection in coastal cities in the face of sea level rise and potential shoreline changes.
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer will celebrate its 25th anniversary on 16 September. The Protocol, which was ratified by 197 countries, has enabled reductions of over 98 per cent of all global production and consumption of controlled ozone-depleting substances.
Offered by DOE, this webinar is a part of the Community Renewable Energy Success Stories series. This presentation deals with net-zero-energy communities in California and Hawaii.
Offered by DOE, this webinar is a part of the Community Renewable Energy Success Stories series. There are two presentations that deal with geothermal heat pumps in Indiana and hot-water district heating in St. Paul, Minnesota.
This webinar will provide an introduction for community grassroots groups and others who serve as community leaders about how to access and use EPA s Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data. Webinar participants will learn about TRI basics, as well as about US EPA s recent pilot project with four communities.
The Full Service Leased Space Data Report is for voluntary reporting of Scope 3 emissions from fully-serviced leased space where the Government does not purchase energy directly.
October 14, 2012
Jon Powers, the Federal Environmental Executive for the White House Council on Environmental Quality, will describe an initiative focused on federal collaboration across the United States, where multiple federal partners work together towards a goal or target under Executive Order 13514. Additional information and applications are available on FedCenter at: http://www.fedcenter.gov/opportunities/awards/spotlightcommunities/. The application period ends on November 16, 2012. Click here to register for the webinar.
October 12, 2012
The DoD Cultural Resources UPDATE is sponsored by the DoD Cultural Resource Program. This edition highlights several current initiatives, provides an overview of new and ongoing training opportunities, and features information on recently published reports relevant to the DoD CRM community. See attached.
October 10, 2012
The first National Adaptation Forum will discuss climate change adaptation, presenting state-of-the art science and adaptation practices. The conference will convene adaptation practitioners and experts from around the country focused on moving from adaptation planning to adaptation action. Conference steering committee members include representatives from nongovernmental organizations and state and federal agencies such as the California Department of Fish and Game, U.S. EPA, U.S. Forest Service and NOAA
This EPA webinar is about the new Water Quality Portal (Portal) for water quality data a team effort by the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the National Water Quality Monitoring Council (NWQMC). The Portal brings together chemical, physical and microbiological data from USGS s National Water Information System (NWIS) and EPA s Storage and Retrieval Data Warehouse (STORET) and provides it to scientists, policy-makers, and the public in a single, user-friendly web interface. The Portal reduces the burden to data users searching, compiling, and formatting water monitoring data for analysis. This webcast will include both informational presentations and a demonstration of the Portal in action. The webcast will also highlight EPA s Water Quality Exchange (WQX-Web) which is a web-based data entry tool that enables data owners to upload their data so the public has access to the data through the new Water Quality Portal.
This EPA-sponsored webinar will explore the connections between Effective Utility Management (EUM) and Lean tools. Lean methods combined with the EUM framework have enabled water and wastewater utilities to save millions of dollars, avoid customer rate increases, improve product quality, enhance customer service, reduce energy costs and environmental pollution, and improve employee morale. The webcast will feature a brief overview presentation describing EUM and Lean concepts and methods and how to get started with EUM and Lean. The webcast will also feature two presentations from Clean Water Services and City of Pompano Beach Utilities Department on highlighting their successes using EUM in concert with Lean methods.
October 09, 2012
Update: Winner photos added 10/09/2012.
(WASHINGTON, D.C., September 24, 2012) – The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) today announced the winners of the 2012 GreenGov Presidential Awards, honoring Federal agency teams and individuals who are taking innovative approaches to curbing waste, reducing energy use and saving taxpayer money in Federal agency operations. The GreenGov Presidential Awards celebrate extraordinary achievement in the pursuit of President Obama's Executive Order on Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance (Executive Order 13514). The awards highlight Federal civilian and military personnel, and agency teams, facilities, and programs that exemplify President Obama's charge to lead by example. The award winners were honored by senior Administration officials at a White House ceremony yesterday.
EPA is reopening the public comment period for the proposed amendments to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines to solicit comment on specific issues raised during the initial public comment period regarding existing engines on offshore vessels. Comments must be received on or before 2 November 2012. POC is Ms. Melanie King, Energy Strategies Group, Sector Policies and Programs Division (D243-01), EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711; Tel: 919-541-2469; fax: 919-541-5450; email: king.melanie@epa.gov, (Federal Register; 3 October 2012 [Proposed Rules], pages 60341-60343).
This is a correction to 49 CFR 173.133 and 173.134 concerning packing groups and hazard zones. These corrections are effective immediately (Federal Register; 2 October 2012 [Rules and Regulations], page 60056).
This final rule on the transportation of hazardous materials corrects editorial errors, makes minor regulatory changes and, in response to requests for clarification, improves the clarity of certain provisions in the Hazardous Materials Regulations. The intended effect of this rule is to enhance the accuracy and reduce misunderstandings of the regulations. The amendments contained in this rule are non-substantive changes and do not impose new requirements. The effective date of these changes is 5 October 2012. POC is Joan McIntyre, Standards and Rulemaking Division, 202-366-8553, PHMSA, East Building, PHH-10, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590 (Federal Register; 5 October 2012 [Rules and Regulations], pages 60935-60945).
This direct final rule amends the definition of heating oil in the Renewable Fuel Standard ("RFS" or "RFS2") program under section 211(o) of the Clean Air Act. This amendment will expand the scope of renewable fuels that can generate Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) as heating oil to include fuel oil produced from qualifying renewable biomass that will be used to generate heat to warm buildings or other facilities where people live, work, recreate, or conduct other activities. EPA is also amending the requirements under EPA's diesel sulfur program related to the sulfur content of locomotive and marine diesel fuel produced by transmix processors. This rule is effective on 10 December 2012 without further notice, unless EPA receives adverse comment or a public hearing request by 8 November 2012. POC is Kristien Knapp, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Mail Code: 6405J, U.S. EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., 20460; tel: 202-343-9949; fax: (202) 343-2800; email: knapp.kristien@epa.gov (Federal Register; 9 October 2012 [Rules and Regulations], pages 61281-61295).
Sponsored by the EPA, this course addresses the following topics: Overview of EPA, the Clean Water Act, and the Water Quality Standards Program; Waters of the U.S.; Designated Uses; Use Attainability Analyses; Human Health Criteria; Aquatic Life Criteria; Biological Criteria; Nutrient Criteria; Bacteria Criteria; Antidegradation Policy Requirements; Tools for Achieving Standards; Economic Considerations; Mixing Zones; Water Quality Standards Submittal and Approval Process; 401 Certification; Implementation of Water Quality Standards; and Water Quality Standards on Tribal Lands. The course is offered free of charge; however; you must apply to attend.
From EPA, this is a software package designed for developing site-specific Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) models for the prediction of pathogen indicator levels at recreational beaches.
The TDB can help drinking water utilities, water treatment process design engineers, researcher organizations, federal and state regulators, professional organizations, environmental groups, and academicians. It can be used to identify effective drinking water treatment processes, to plan for future treatment plant upgrades, to provide information to first responders to spills or emergencies, to recognize research needs, to complement literature reviews and literature searches, and to assist regulators in Best Available Technology and Contaminant Candidate List (CCL) decisions.
This webinar provides an overview of the National Climatic Data Center's monthly climate reports for the USA and the globe. The reports provide a monthly snapshot into the state of the climate system and some of the relevant datasets and analytical approaches.
October 05, 2012
The Energy Department has announced the winners of the 31st annual Federal Energy and Water Management Awards. These awards recognize the commitment made by federal agencies to invest in efficiency measures that save taxpayer money and increase U.S. energy security.
October 04, 2012
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
The White House Council on Environmental Quality is looking to spotlight energy and sustainability projects that involve the collaboration of multiple federal agencies. GreenGov Spotlight Communities demonstrate how leveraging regional co-location and shared targets are helping agencies achieve the energy and sustainability goals and targets in Executive Order 13514 Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance. If your team is working with other federal agencies to reduce your environmental footprint through joint purchasing agreements, fleet sharing, or other Executive Order 13514 projects, you might be eligible to become a GreenGov Spotlight Community. More information, and the online application form, is available here. Applications must be submitted by November 16, 2012.
Traditionally, EISs have been submitted to EPA in hard copy. Now e-NEPA eliminates the need to mail or deliver copies of EISs to EPA headquarters, reducing printing, shipping, and delivery costs. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to integrate environmental considerations into their decision-making processes by identifying the environmental impacts and reasonable alternatives to their proposed actions. To meet NEPA requirements federal agencies prepare detailed analyses known as EISs. EPA reviews, provides comments, and maintains a national filing system for EISs. Beginning on 1 October 2012, all agencies are required to use the e-NEPA filing system
Starting 1 October 2012 Federal agencies are required to use e-NEPA for submitting environmental impact statements (EISs).
This DOE document, dated September 2012, provides specific guidance to agencies on the implementation and follow-up of energy and water efficiency measures identified and undertaken per Section 432 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) (42 U.S.C. 8253(f)(4) and (5)) This guidance also provides context for how these activities fit into the comprehensive approach to facility energy and water management outlined by the statute and incorporates by reference previous DOE guidance released for Section 432 of EISA and other related documents.
The Federal Utility Partnership Working Group (FUPWG), initiated in 1994, establishes partnerships and facilitates communications among Federal agencies, utilities, and energy service companies. Together FUPWG partners develop strategies to help implement cost-effective energy efficiency and water conservation projects. FUPWG meets twice per year to share success stories, information on FEMP programs and products, and other FUPWG business.
This 2-hour DOE training session is part of a 3-part series exploring Introduction to Energy Charting and Metrics (ECAM).
This new, two-day workshop will review 42 USC 8256, which authorizes and encourages Federal agencies to take advantage of rebates, incentives, and other services offered by serving utilities to implement energy efficiency and water conservation projects collectively referred to as Utility Energy Services Contracts (UESC). During the workshop attendees will examine methods and strategies used by experienced contracting officers and agency teams to develop and implement successful projects and discuss common issues. Attendees will work through a practice project using templates and samples following the steps needed to cut a task order under GSA s Areawide Contract.
The In-Person Workshop on the Guiding Principles for High Performance Sustainable Existing Buildings is a one-day FEMP training session to provide step-by-step guidance on complying with the Guiding Principles.
This webcast will teach Federal energy and sustainability professionals how to use the ENERGY STAR measurement and tracking tool, Portfolio Manager, to help ensure compliance with the Guiding Principles for High Performance Sustainable Buildings required by Executive Orders 13423 and 13514. The focus is on the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Existing Buildings.
October 03, 2012
Frequently asked questions about GreenGov Spotlight Communities program.
Fall 2012 edition of the DoD Chesapeake Bay Program Journal, published quarterly and sponsored by the DOD/Navy Chesapeake Bay Program Office. See attached.
October 02, 2012
The 2012 water reuse guidelines update and build on EPA's previous reuse guidelines issued in 2004, incorporating information on water reuse that has been developed since the 2004 document was issued. In addition to summarizing U.S. existing regulations, the document includes water reuse practices outside of the U.S., case studies, information on planning for future water reuse systems, and information on indirect potable reuse and industrial reuse. Disinfection and treatment technologies, emerging contaminants, and public involvement and acceptance are also discussed.
Sponsored by the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), the Commit to Efficiency campaign allows those involved in Federal purchases to commit to buying energy-efficient products. This effort is implemented by 1. Taking a pledge; 2. Buying and specifying energy-efficient for every purchase; and 3. Spreading the word.
Developed by the EPA's National Estuary Program (NEP), NEPmap contains more than a decade's worth of NEP habitat data and provides a large set of data layers to enable viewing of NEP habitat information in a wider environmental context. The NEPmap allows users to view water quality conditions in their estuary and surrounding watershed alongside NEP habitat projects. NEPmap users can also generate and print maps and reports, change map scales, turn on and off background layers and interact with information points to provide a greater level of detail than a traditional static map.
October 01, 2012
EPA has signed a Safe Drinking Water Act administrative consent order with the U.S. Navy, and Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) to take corrective action protecting the public water supply at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, a combined Navy-Air Force facility in Washington, D.C. The order requires the Navy and WSSC to submit and implement a plan to correct significant deficiencies identified in 2008 and 2011 surveys of the base's public water supply by EPA and its contractors. These deficiencies include management issues and the flooding of three vaults containing meters due to possible leaking pipes or high ground water. The water system also expanded its capacity without notifying EPA as required by Safe Drinking Water Act regulations.
The U.S. Air Force has agreed to pay a $12,823 penalty for Underground Storage Tank (UST) violations in three Nebraska counties. The violations occurred at Air Force facilities in western Nebraska. In addition to paying the civil penalty, the Air Force is required to conduct a tank tightness test to determine if one of the USTs is leaking. The Air Force is unable to account for 1,490 gallons of diesel fuel in that tank. According to an administrative consent agreement and final order filed by EPA Region 7 in Kansas City, Kan., routine inspections of the facilities discovered the violations, some of which were repeat violations. The violations included failure to provide overfill protection for an existing tank, failure to conduct annual inspections of the corrosion protection system, and failure to report a suspected release to the implementing agency. By agreeing to the settlement with EPA, the United States Air Force has certified that it is now in compliance with all requirements of the RCRA regulations.
Monthly environmental news for DoD facilities in EPA Regions 1, 2 & 3. See attached.
September 28, 2012
Notes: 1. Please read the "Read Me" File first, for an explanation of the attached report sections.
2. The complete report is available for download in the attachment "ACSIM GSR Final Report 2012.zip".
A bill to clarify Congressional intent regarding the regulation of the use of pesticides in or near navigable waters, and for other purposes (Congressional Record; September 20, 2012 [Senate], Pages S6546).
September 27, 2012
Under the Clean Air Act Section 211(o), the Environmental Protection Agency is required to determine the applicable volume of biomass-based diesel to be used in setting annual percentage standards under the renewable fuel standard program for years after 2012. We proposed an applicable volume requirement for 2013 of 1.28 billion gallons on July 1, 2011. In order to sufficiently evaluate the many comments on the proposal from stakeholders as well as to gather additional information to enhance our analysis, we did not finalize this volume requirement in the January 9, 2012, rulemaking setting the 2012 percentage standards. In this action we are finalizing an applicable volume of 1.28 billion gallons of biomass-based diesel for calendar year 2013. Julia MacAllister, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Assessment and Standards Division, Environmental Protection Agency, 2000 Traverwood Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105; Telephone number: 734-214-4131; Fax number: 734-214-4816; Email address: macallister.julia@epa.gov (Federal Register; September 27, 2012 [Rules and Regulations], pages 34915-34927).
A bill to amend the Clean Air Act to require the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a system for the certification of the validity of credits to be used for compliance with the renewable fuel program, and for other purposes (Congressional Record; September 20, 2012 [House], Pages H6230-H6232).
A bill to provide for the establishment of nationally uniform and environmentally sound standards governing discharges incidental to the normal operation of a vessel in the navigable waters of the United States (Congressional Record; September 19, 2012 [Senate], Page S6454).
A bill to direct the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to change the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure rule with respect to certain farms (Congressional Record; September 19, 2012 [Senate], Page S6454).
September 25, 2012
October 2012-July 2013 This is a 10-month pilot online course offered by the Fish & Wildlife Service that will be offered beginning in early October 2012. This online course is designed to cover the fundamentals of climate science, provide tools & resources for climate adaptation, & increase climate literacy & communication through online lectures, webinars, & discussions. Participation in the 10 month course is available as either "registered for credit" or as a "drop-in" participant. Registered course participants will receive a Certificate of Completion from the U.S. FWS National Conservation Training Center & can receive CEUs offered through The Wildlife Society. The course will be offered as webinar series with additional reading & resources posted on the online class webpage, Moodle. Course participants are expected to complete all 10-months in order to receive the minimum credit hours. All webinars will be recorded & posted online for those who cannot attend the live webinar. Each session will open with a 45-minute lecture via webinar by a leading scientist/manager in a specified topic. The lecture will be followed by an additional 30-45 minute discussion via the conference line. Course participants are expected to also participate in an online discussion board to receive full credit. Course participants will also have the option to develop a final written report to present during July 2013 session for additional credit. No tuition or registration for course.
October 1, 2012 - November 30, 2012 Offered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, this is a pilot 8-week online course that provides participants with the skills to address climate change impacts in making decisions about natural resource management. This course highlights principles from Informing Decisions in a Changing Climate, a 2009 National Research Council report. Videos show techniques in structured decision making and adaptive management, and discuss how climate change affects each step in the processes. Participants work in teams on actual decision problems. As the teams use similar techniques on their different decision problems, participants observe multiple examples of on the ground application. Instructors work with teams to build expertise in climate change impacts and decision analysis. Teams develop a final report and presentation on their decision problem. This course is developed in partnership with staff from USGS. There is no tuition or registration fee associated with this course.
September 21, 2012
Application form for the CEQ 2012 GreenGov Spotlight Communities recognition program.
Consult this bulletin for the current NETI offerings.
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
September 20, 2012
Picerne Military Management, LLC, has agreed to pay a $24,900 civil penalty to settle alleged violations of the federal Clean Water Act at Fort Riley, Kansas. Picerne Military Management is a civilian development, construction, and property management company that owns and/or operates approximately 20,000 housing units on seven Army posts throughout the U.S., including Fort Riley. By agreeing to the settlement, Picerne Military Management has certified that it is in compliance with the Clean Water Act. The consent agreement is subject to a public comment period before it becomes final. The public notice and consent agreement can be found online.
September 19, 2012
A listing of all past presentations given at the Interagency Forum on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations. Presentations may be viewed by members only. To request membership, please contact: ccforum@fedcenter.gov.
Agenda for the Inter-Agency Forum on Climate Change Impacts & Adaptations held on September 6, 2012, from 1:00-4:15pm at NASA HQ building in Washington DC.
This session is in parallel with the GreenGov Symposium, and will be held at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC. Please Note: No webinar capability is available for this session. We will return to an onsite session at NASA Headquarters for 30 October 2012, with webinar capability.
The U.S. EPA is listing three substitutes for ozone-depleting substances in the fire suppression and explosion protection sector as acceptable subject to use restrictions under the EPA's Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program. POC is Bella Maranion, Stratospheric Protection Division, Office of Atmospheric Programs (6205J), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460; tel: 202-343-9749; fax: 202-343-2363; email address: maranion.bella@epa.gov (Federal Register; 19 September 2012 [Rules and Regulations], pages 58035-58045).
September 18, 2012
This rule proposes to: (1) Add seven sites to the General Superfund section of the NPL; (2) add one site to the Federal Facilities section of the NPL; (3) correct an error in the Appendix B footnote description; and (4) correct an error in the state location for Five Points PCE Plume site. This rule also withdraws one site from proposal to the NPL. Comments are due 19 November 2012 (POC is Terry Jeng, tel: (703) 603-8852, email: jeng.terry@epa.gov, Site Assessment and Remedy Decisions Branch, Assessment and Remediation Division, Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (Mailcode 5204P), U.S. EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20460 (Federal Register; 18 September 2012 [Proposed Rules], pages 57546-57554).
September 17, 2012
Attendees will learn the essentials of how to successfully maintain an existing Pavement Management System, or implement a new system from scratch within their agency. After completing the course, attendees will also be able to make informed decisions to distinguish the differences between the various in-place asphalt recycling choices available (HIR, CIR, FDR) and pavement preservation strategies while learning how to implement an effective cost saving recycling program that stretches their agency s annual budget further. There is also a hands-on field component of this course that will give participants experience using the latest tools and software. This course is offered by the Northwest Environmental Training Center and is course number RDW-301.
EPA, in coordination with the US Navy and Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection announced approval of the thirteenth Record of Decision (ROD) at the Naval Submarine Base - New London Superfund site in Groton, Conn. In signing the ROD, the EPA has formally accepted the Navy s cleanup plan to address contamination at the submarine base. The signing of the ROD will enable the Navy to move forward on the remedial design and cleanup action in the area known as the Lower Submarine Base. The cleanup is expected to commence in November 2013.
The WEEC features a large, multi-track conference agenda, a full line-up of seminars on a variety of current topics, and a comprehensive exposition of the market's most promising new technologies.
EPA, Region 5 is proposing an NPDES draft general permit for point source discharges of less than 1500 gal/day from new and replacement surface discharging wastewater treatment systems to Waters of the United States, including to conveyances to Waters of the United States, including interstate waters that flow across or form part of the boundary of Illinois and in all areas of the State of Illinois. Once finalized, this permit will be available to eligible surface discharging system owners or operators who submit an administratively complete notice of intent to be covered by the general permit, including the technological and economic feasibility analyses. Comments are due on or before 15 November 2012. POC is Mark Ackerman, U.S. EPA, Region 5, NPDES Programs Branch--WN-16J, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60604-3590; tel: 312-353-4145 (Federal Register; 17 November 2012 [Notices], page 57084).
A bill to amend the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 to provide grants for the revitalization of waterfront brownfields, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Transportation and Infrastructure, and Rules, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned (Congressional Record, 13 November 2012 [House], page H6000).
A bill to amend the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 to provide grants for the revitalization of waterfront brownfields, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works (Congressional Record, 13 November 2012 [Senate], page S6340).
A bill to reauthorize the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act; considered and passed (Congressional Record, 13 November 2012 [Senate], page S6340).
This website has resources for developing proactive water conservation campaigns advising consumers of water what they can do and how it makes a difference, no matter how small. The original intent of this effort was to provide a powerful, customizable conservation outreach effort that allowed all organizations large or small to implement a proven campaign and leverage each others efforts through an effective co-branded approach. The creation of this website allowed all partners to reference one location for resources, tips and tools on how to conserve water, throughout all their conservation materials. It features an interactive in-home water audit that helped consumers identify the sources of wasted water in and outside their homes. This is complemented by information on outdoor water-use and water saving technologies, educational links and tools, and over 100 tips for how to conserve water, to help consumers learn to lower their daily water consumption.
Developed by GSA, the chapters of this guide book, when followed sequentially, are designed to help facility managers develop an overall water management plan tailored to a specific facility. The intent of this guidebook is to help the Federal facilities manager, meet all mandated water-conservation requirements and help preserve what many are calling the commodity of the next century: fresh, potable water.
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Last Updated: April 26, 2012