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ATTENTION APPLICANTS: The National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2006, signed into law on January 6, 2006, expanded the definition of a veteran for the purposes of preference eligibility. The definition now includes those individuals who served on active duty for more than 180 consecutive days, other than for training, any part of which occurred during the period beginning September 11, 2001 to present.

If you believe you meet the requirements for this new veterans' preference eligibility and wish to claim veterans' preference for employment purposes, you must ensure your resume and supplemental data reflect your claim of veterans' preference and list your active duty military service dates accordingly.

Welcome to The Army Civilian Resume Builder and ANSWER

The Resume Builder is designed to assist users in entering their resume into the Army's Centralized Resumix System. Users can enter their resume as well as provide supplemental data to indicate their qualifications and preferences. Once a resume is entered using this system, the record is integrated with the other staffing tools used by the Army to recruit and place applicants.

The Applicant Notification System Web-Enabled Response (ANSWER) tool is designed to allow users to check the status of their Resume, track their application history, view Self-Nomination history and view their current Resume and Supplemental Data listed in the Central Resumix Database. Users can toggle between the Resume Builder and ANSWER.