Directions: Enter your search parameters in the fields below. You can enter just a State abbreviation in the State field to return a listing of DVOPs and LVERS located in that state. You can also enter a partial zip code to locate individuals in a zip code area (for example, putting in 20 in zip code field will return all results from the Ft. Meade, Largo, Wheaton and Washington DC areas.)

Currently DVOP and LVER staff are located in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and Guam. If you live outside of one of these areas please search for a DVOP or LVER in an area nearest you.

Last Name City State Zip  

Please click here to update your information. *Please be sure to include your old information along with your updated information.

Welcome to NVTI’s DVOP/LVER Locator
(also called The Networker)

The primary purpose of the DVOP/LVER Locator is to provide the user with the ability to quickly locate other veterans’ service professionals in a particular geographic area. Please be sure to define your search, i.e. if you want a listing of everyone in a particular city just type in that city and state. If you know you went to class with someone named Jones but you can’t remember where he/she was from simply type in the last name and it will bring up everyone with that last name in the Locator. If you know the zip code of the area, enter that. You can enter as little or as much information as you have.

You can print the results by copying and pasting them into an Excel spreadsheet.

**Keep in mind that the Locator is only as good as you help us to be! If there are changes with personnel, office address, phone numbers, etc., we don’t know about it unless you tell us! Update us at**

Please contact the Resource Center at (800) 451-5759 if you have questions or problems with this e-listing.