Ambassador Lawrence E. Butler

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Civilian Deputy to the Commander and Foreign Policy Advisor

Lawrence E. Butler is the Civilian Deputy to the Commander and Foreign Policy Advisor, United States European Command. He joined the Foreign Service in 1976 and is a member of the Senior Foreign Service with the rank of Minister Counselor.

Prior to assuming his present duties, Ambassador Butler was deployed as the Foreign Policy Adviser (POLAD) to the Commander, U.S. Forces - Iraq (USF-I), at Camp Victory, Baghdad, as the United States transitioned operational lead from the military to the U.S. Embassy and civilian agencies.

Ambassador Butler served in Belgium as the POLAD to NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander - Europe (SACEUR) from 2008 to 2010, where he was deeply involved with Afghanistan and Balkans operational issues. As Deputy Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, 2007-2008, he oversaw the formulation and execution of U.S. government policy in Iraq and coalition sustainment.

From 2005-2007, Ambassador Butler served as the Principal Deputy High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, an international position responsible for Dayton Peace Accord implementation. He was the US Ambassador to Macedonia, 2002-2005, where he implemented the Ohrid Peace Agreement and helped mentor Macedonia towards Euro-Atlantic integration. As Director for Europe on the White House National Security Council staff, 1997-1999, he assisted President Clinton in achieving the 1998 Northern Ireland Good Friday Peace Accords. Earlier, Ambassador Butler was Deputy Chief of Mission and acting Chief of Mission in Belgrade, Serbia, supporting efforts that led to the 1995 Dayton Accords, and then enabling their implementation. In 1993, he opened a human rights monitoring office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) mission to the former Yugoslavia in Kosovo.

Ambassador Butler’s other leadership assignments include tours as Deputy Chief of Mission in Copenhagen and Dublin, and section chief postings in Finland and Bulgaria. In Washington, he worked on European Union affairs and served as an Operations Center Senior Watch Officer.

Ambassador Butler has received numerous awards, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Distinguished Civilian Service Award, multiple Senior Performance Pay awards, and State Department Superior Honor and Meritorious Honor Awards.

Ambassador Butler comes from a New England family but grew up in an Army family. He and his wife Linda enjoy winter and water sports, tennis, and hiking. They have one adult son.

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  • May 16, 2012

    Smart Civic Engagement in Latvia

    On Monday, Judy Garber, U.S. Ambassador to Latvia; members of the U.S. Embassy in Riga and EUCOM; the Latvian Ministry of Interior (State Fire and Rescue Service) and National Guard members; and local government officials broke ground on a EUCOM Humanitarian Assistance project modernizing eight fire and rescue stations in Latvia.