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Programs & Services > Allowances > Frequently Asked Questions > Government Meal Rate

Government Meal Rate
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated: 12/17/11

  1. What is the current Government meal rate?
  2. How often is the Government meal rate changed?
  3. What rate do midshipmen and cadets use?
  4. Is the rate changing for 2012?
  5. Where can I find this information in the JFTR and JTR?
  6. Where can I find more information on Government meal rates?

1. What is the current Government meal rate?

See the table below.

Effective 1 January 2012 - 31 December 2012, the OSD Comptroller announced the GMR is $11.55. The breakdown is as follows:

Meal Discount
Meal Rate
Meal Rate
Breakfast $2.10 $0.35 $2.45
Lunch $3.90 $0.65 $4.55
Dinner $3.90 $0.65 $4.55
Total $9.90 $1.65 $11.55

2. How often is the Government meal rate changed?

Every year the rate is reviewed and revised, if necessary, by the OSD Comptroller. The rates above are effective 1 January 2012 - 31 December 2012.

3. What rate do midshipmen and cadets use?

Effective 1 October 2008 the meal rate for cadets/midshipmen is equivalent to the Enlisted Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) rate.

4. Is the rate changing for 2012?

Yes. The 2009-2011 Standard GMR of $10.80 (total of breakfast, lunch and dinner) is raised to $11.55. See Table above for the breakdown of individual meal and surcharge amounts.

5. Where can I find this information in the JFTR and JTR?

See APP A, Part 1, definition of GOVERNMENT MEAL RATE.

6. Where can I find more information on Government meal rates?

For more information on GMR see the DoDFMR. For current yearly updates on the GMR see



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