HUMINT References

National, DoD, and Service Policy,   Regulations and Doctrine

  HUMINT Training

Foundry Program

  External links


Jane’s Defense Weekly

CIA World Fact Book

Center for Army Lessons Learned

Center for Advanced Operational Culture Learning (CAOCL)

Department of the Army Intelligence Information Services (DA ISS)

A-Z Index for the U.S. Army

The Army HUMINT Operations Center Mission

  • Develop, coordinate, implement, and oversee Army HUMINT policies, regulations, and directives.

  • Provide oversight and staff management of Army HUMINT programs, technological developments and integration.

  • Coordinate, deconflict, synchronize and provide technical control over Army HUMINT activities.

  • Develop and provide input to programming, budgeting and force/technology development affecting Army HUMINT.

  • Provide support to deployed forces.

  • Plan, coordinate, support, and deconflict the development of Joint and Army HUMINT training.

  • Privacy and Security Notice