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Export-Import Bank Support for U.S. Exports to Indonesia


“With its diverse and growing economy, Indonesia offers great opportunities for U.S. exporters in many sectors.” – Fred Hochberg, Chairman, Export-Import Bank of the U.S.

Indonesia is Southeast Asia’s largest economy and has delivered consistently high economic growth, which has resulted in increasing infrastructure expansion and an expanding consumer market in the world’s fourth-largest country by population.    Indonesia has benefitted from its strategic location on the world’s major trade routes and its wealth of natural resources.  Indonesia is an important trading partner for the United States, it is a top-ten market for U.S. agricultural products and within the top 30 overall markets for U.S. exports.  In order to further strengthen this important relationship, the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) has pre-approved 11 Indonesian banks to receive expedited financing under a $1 billion bank facility to support U.S. exports to Indonesia.  This bank facility enables Indonesian companies to access Ex-Im Bank-backed financing from their local banks and helps Ex-Im Bank approve these transactions more quickly.      




2005 - 2010 activity by sector: Fabricated Metal	 $15,000,000 , Communication Equipment	 $8,961,462 , Machinery	 $36,925,562 , Measuring and Control Instruments	 $14,787,919

Success Stories

Map of Indonesia with numbers set at Jakarta (1), Jakarta (2), Sumbawa (3), Jakarta (4), and Jakarta (5) corresponding with the success stories on this page

  1. Jakarta: Garuda Indonesia purchased 11 Boeing 737 aircraft fitted with engines made by CFM International.  The transaction was made possible by $278 million in financing supported by the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank).  In addition to enhancing Indonesian transportation links, which are vital for tourism and other important economic sectors, the transaction supports jobs at Boeing's manufacturing facilities in the state of Washington and at CFM International Inc. in Cincinnati, Ohio, as well as at hundreds of small, medium-sized and large U.S. businesses that supply parts and services to Boeing and CFM.      

  2. Jakarta: Ex-Im Bank approved more than $1 billion in financing to support the export of up to 30 Boeing 737-900ER aircraft with CFM International aircraft engines to Lion Air in Indonesia.  The sale will help Lion Air provide a critically important link between Indonesia`s widely scattered islands and support jobs at Boeing, CFM, and hundreds of U.S. suppliers.

  3. Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara: Ex-Im Bank provided $425 million in project financing to back exports of goods and services by Newmont Gold Co., Denver, CO, Fluor Daniel Corp., Golden, CO , and other U.S. suppliers to develop the Batu-Hijau Copper-Gold Project, one of the world`s largest copper and gold deposits.  Fluor Daniel, the primary contractor, provided engineering, procurement and construction services, and Caterpillar Americas Co., Peoria, IL is provided mining machinery and equipment.  The project also involved numerous small business suppliers and service contractors in 26 states.

  4. Jakarta: The Indonesian National Police purchased a Communication Monitoring System from Pacific Supply Express Corporation, Westlake, Texas.  The system will be used by the Indonesian Marine Police Force.  Medium term financing for the $7.9 million system was obtained with Ex-Im bank support.

  5. Jakarta:  Global Web Systems Inc., of Chicago, Illinois, sold a printing press production system to PT Media Nusantara Press.  Ex-Im Bank provided medium term support for the $6.6 million transaction. 


Updated: 20100921

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