BSEE & Coast Guard Sign Memorandum of Agreement

April 3, 2012

BSEE and the Coast Guard signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) outlining the efforts of the two agencies to strengthen oil discharge planning, preparedness and response for offshore facilities used for oil and gas drilling, production or related activities occurring on the Outer Continental Shelf. This new agreement incorporates many lessons learned from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and outlines the jurisdictions of both agencies, elaborating on responsibilities within Regional Response Teams and Area Committees, Oil Spill Response Plans, drills and exercises, equipment inspections, training, and research and development.

"Recent events have taught us the value of developing strong partnerships with our federal partners," said BSEE Deputy Director Margaret N. Schneider. "This agreement with the Coast Guard allows us to continue this close working relationship, strengthening our coordinated efforts to protect the environment and workers offshore each and every day."

"The complexity of the offshore energy segment requires us to build federal partnerships that will improve safety and environmental protection in the offshore environment, said Director of Response Policy RDML Cari B. Thomas "This MOA clearly establishes a strong framework of capabilities that protects America's economic interests and those that work in offshore environment."


BSEE Deputy Director Margaret N. Schneider and U.S. Coast Guard RDML Cari B. Thomas sign the MOA at the BSEE Headquarters in Washington, D.C.