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Publication Local Police Departments, 2000

Matthew J. Hickman, Ph.D., Brian A. Reaves, Ph.D.

January 1, 2003    NCJ 196002

Presents data collected from a representative sample of the nearly 13,000 general-purpose local police departments nationwide. This report is based on the 2000 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) survey. Tables describe the number and size of agencies, race and gender of sworn personnel, operating budgets and salaries, education and training requirements, sidearms, nonlethal weapons, community policing activities, computers and information systems, special technologies, and written policies and procedures.

Highlights include the following:

  • In 2000 nearly all local police 9-1-1 systems in jurisdictions with 10,000 or more residents were enhanced, capable of displaying information such as the caller's phone number, address, and special needs.
  • Departments had total operating budgets of $36.7 billion during fiscal 2000, 33% more than in 1990 after adjusting for inflation.
  • Sixty-eight percent of local police departments, employing 90% of all officers, had a community policing plan of some type.

Part of the Local Police Departments Series

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Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS)

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