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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Sustainability for Community Quality Collaboratives

An Overview of the Art & Science of Building Staying Power

Prepared by Lisette Lejnieks, MBA, Center for Health Improvement.

January 2009

Prepared for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Contract No: HHSA290200710022T

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Life Stages: Designing for the Present and the Future
  Managing Complexity: Artfully Blending the Stakeholder Organizations
Value Is the Core
  Common Community Quality Collaborative Value Propositions
    Public Good
    Access to Data
    Business Opportunities
Leading Practices
  Leading Practice No. 1: Responding to Compelling Market Circumstances
  Leading Practice No. 2: Providing Effective Leadership
  Leading Practice No. 3: Maintaining Balance Among Stakeholders
  Leading Practice No. 4: Delivering Tangible Value
  Leading Practice No. 5: Communicating Proactively
  Leading Practice No. 6: Establishing a Transparent Management Style
  Leading Practice No. 7: Employing Rigorous Prioritization
  Leading Practices 'To Do' List
Community Quality Collaborative Business Model Insights
  Key Themes in Financial Models
  Common Types of Funding
  Funding Source No.1: Member Fees
  Funding Source No. 2: Grant Funding
  Funding Source No. 3: Contract Payments
  Funding Source No. 4: Revenue from Transactions or Products
  Funding Source No. 5: Revenue from Services or Consultation
  Funding Source No.6: Investment Returns
  Funding Source No. 7: Other Funding Sources
Tools to Help Build Staying Power in Your Community Quality Collaborative

Appendixes — Sustainability Planning Toolbox
A. Case Studies
  A-1 Pacific Business Group on Health Quality Initiatives: The Power of Diversification
  A-2 The Puget Sound Health Alliance: Behind the Scenes of a Big Win
  A-3 Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative: The Quest to Bring Big Ideas to Life
B. Sample Sustainability Planning Project Goals and Roles Statement
C. Sample Timeline Template
D. Sample Prework Checklist
E. Stakeholder Surveys
  E-1. Sample Priority Stakeholder Survey
  E-2. Sample Market Scan Questions
  E-3. Sample Leading Practices Survey
F. Strategic Prioritization Model
G. Dashboard (Progress Report)- Program Level
H. Development Committee Plan
I. Annotated Bibliography
J. Sustainability Planning for Community Quality Collaboratives: Ten Key Questions to Guide Your Planning Efforts
  Appendix J-1: Report #1: Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation
  Appendix J-2: Report #2: Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum
K. Sample Community Quality Collaborative Work Plan
L. Sample Strategic Sustainability Plan

Internet Citation:

Sustainability for Community Quality Collaboratives: An Overview of the Art & Science of Building Staying Power. Revised January 2009. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


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