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Air Quality Division

Oil & Gas Permit by Rule Proposal

The April 17th Air Quality Advisory Council meeting will serve as the public hearing for the new permit by rule proposal for the oil and natural gas industry.

Click here for the rule proposal
2013 Emissions Inventory Workshop

Redbud is now live for use in reporting Emissions Inventories. 2012 Inventories must be submitted by April 1, 2013.

2013 Workshop Presentations
OKC  MetroTransit CNG Bus

EPA has created a new Energy Efficiency web site that describes the ways energy conservation can be used and quantified for air quality planning.

Visit the new web site Now!
New Guidance for Oil & Gas

Air Quality Permitting has posted a new guidance document on the Permitting Advice & Guidance page to clarify 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart OOOO.

Review the Guidance Now
January Air Quality Advisory Council

The Air Quality Advisory Council will meet on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at DEQ Headquarters at 9 am. The Notice of Rulemaking and proposed rules have been posted to the Council Meetings page.

Materials for the January Council

What is air quality?
The amount of pollution in the air from all sources - natural and human - defines the quality of the air we breathe.  Air pollution isn't limited to our cities; it can blow into any part of Oklahoma from neighboring states.

Why is it important?
Bad air quality can affect everybody's health.  It can have direct effects on the lungs, and it can worsen an existing condition, such as asthma.  Some people are more sensitive to air pollution than others.  These include young children who are growing rapidly and older adults who have reduced immune systems.
Poor public health also incurs economic costs for society, e.g., increased healthcare costs and loss of working days.  And a clean environment makes Oklahoma an attractive place to live, work and play: something we can all be proud of.

What does the Air Quality Division do?
Most importantly, we work to effectively protect the public health in Oklahoma.  We do this by:

More information about the Air Quality Division

To reach the main AQD programs use the links on the right or the pulldown menu at the top left on any AQD page.

Last Updated: December 4, 2012


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