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Uniform Crime Reporting Publications

Crime in the United States (CIUS) An annual publication in which the FBI compiles volume and rate of crime offenses for the Nation and the states.  This report also includes arrest, clearance, and law enforcement employee data.

Hate Crime Statistics — Presents data regarding incidents, offenses, victims, and offenders in reported crimes that were motivated in whole or in part by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability.

Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA) Data concerning the felonious and accidental line-of-duty deaths and assaults of law enforcement officers.  Tabular presentations include weapons used, type of assignment, and circumstances surrounding murders and assaults of officers.

UCR Handbook — Outlines the classification and scoring guidelines that law enforcement agencies use to report crimes to the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program via the Summary reporting system.  In addition, it contains offense and arrest reporting forms and an explanation of how to complete them.  The Handbook also provides definitions of all UCR offenses.

National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) technical volumes Explains the six segments used in incident-based reporting as well as the 57 data elements that describe these components.  Also provides guidance to those developing NIBRS.

Data Quality Guidelines Provides guidance to the staff of the FBI administering the UCR Program and informs the public of the FBI’s policies and procedures for receiving, reviewing, and responding to requests for correction of disseminated UCR data.

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Page last revised on January 14, 2009