King Urges Full FBI Investigation into Leaks in AQAP Operation

May 21, 2012 Issues: Counterterrorism

Asks that investigation encompass “everyone who had access to this vital information”

Washington, D.C. – Two weeks after news organizations began reporting detailed and highly classified information about a reported anti-terror operation involving Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, formally requested that FBI Director Robert Mueller launch a full inquiry of the widely reported leaks of the information in the case.  King also requested that the investigation encompass the Intelligence Community, the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, federal law enforcement and the White House, including the National Security staff.

In a letter to Mueller today, King wrote:  “The information regarding this intelligence matter was handled in the most restricted manner possible by the Intelligence Community and the White House which means the leak would have to have emanated from a small universe.  That makes this leak all the more distressing and is why I so strongly believe that an investigation of a security breach of this magnitude must encompass everyone who had access to this vital information.”

The signed letter to Mueller is available HERE

The text of the letter follows: 

May 21, 2012

Hon. Robert S. Mueller, III
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001

Dear Director Mueller:

I am writing to formally request (a) that the Federal Bureau of Investigation conduct a full inquiry of the widely reported leaks earlier this month of highly classified information regarding penetration of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and (b) that this investigation include the Intelligence Community, the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, federal law enforcement and the White House, including the National Security staff.

Among the severely disturbing implications of these leaks are that (a) the lives of a unique intelligence source and others may have been jeopardized, (b) the operation had to be aborted before its potential was maximized and (c) critical intelligence relationships have been damaged.

The information regarding this intelligence matter was handled in the most restricted manner possible by the Intelligence Community and the White House which means the leak would have to have emanated from a small universe.  That makes this leak all the more distressing and is why I so strongly believe that an investigation of a security breach of this magnitude must encompass everyone who had access to this vital information.

Thank you for your prompt and personal attention to this serious matter of national security. 


