Metals Development Update


 Friday, June 29 - 5:20 p.m.

Full electrical service has been restored in Metals Development Building. With some good fortune and a lot of hard work by ISU FP&M and FSG personnel we were able to get the service restored more quickly than any thought possible. Because of the lingering odors, the building will remain closed to normal occupancy until Monday morning. Plan on normal access and operation on Monday.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.


Friday, June 29 - 1:11 p.m.
Due to the fire in Metals Development the Ames Laboratory Chilled Water Pumps are inoperable and available cooling is severely restricted. Only the differential pressure on the ISU system is available to flow chilled water through our various systems. Please review the following list of conservation measures and implement any you can as it will take very little extra load to overwhelm what cooling is available.

  1. Keep fume hoods set back and sashes closed as much as possible.
  2. Set room temperatures a degree or two higher.
  3. Reduce lighting levels where feasible being mindful of safety and task requirements.
  4. Operate power intensive or heat producing equipment early in the day when cooling can be accomplished with outdoor air rather than chilled water. Or schedule operation for evening or overnight hours when the overall energy demand is at a minimum. Consider if it is feasible to delay a long or intense run until power is restored to the chilled water pumps - contact Mike Vaclav (4-7891) for more information on this schedule.

As information becomes available concerning a repair schedule, additional emails will be sent.


Friday, June 29 - 12:42 p.m.
A "no occupancy" condition is now in effect for MD. Signs have been posted on the doors to this effect. Recovery efforts are underway. We will continue to keep you informed of changes.

Friday, June 29 - 10:14 a.m.
MD occupants may re-enter MD to secure their offices and labs, and to retrieve personal effects. You will need to check in and out at the main entrance (south side) of MD by11:30 this morning- other doors will be disabled. Full occupancy is not authorized at this time.

Friday, June 29 - 9:57 a.m.
Ames firefighters were called to extinguish a fire in a high-voltage electrical switch panel on the second floor of Metals Development on Friday morning. There was no structural damage and no injuries but electrical service to the building was knocked out and it may be some time before full electrical service is restored.