Engineering Services

The Engineering Services Group provides complete R&D engineering, Computer-Aided Design (CAD), fabrication, and repair of mechanical and electronic research apparatus for DOE Ames Laboratory, other members of the DOE research community, Iowa State University, and for outside agencies.  While the group's purpose is to meet the needs of Ames Laboratory's scientists, services are available to anyone needing unique services not available commercially.   

Ames Laboratory’s Engineering Services Group is located in the Metals Development building on the campus of Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. 

The group’s goal is to provide the optimum support to scientific research and associated efforts, in the most professional, efficient, and timely manner possible, within DOE quality assurance and safety guidelines, and with complete user satisfaction.










For more information please contact Terry Herrman at (515) 294-7896 or e-mail herrman @