Direct Commission Officer Education

Education is of the utmost importance in the Air Force. Whether you are still in medical, law or theology school or are continuing your education and training, we will make sure you have the resources and tools to meet your goals.

Enlisted Education
Officer Education

Airforce Commissioned Officer Education Continuing Medical Education

We believe continuing your education, training and experience is critical to the successful accomplishment of the Air Force mission. This is why we’ll support your continuing education and training with funding and scheduling. You’ll also have the option to mentor others in your field and participate in humanitarian missions around the world.

See the opportunities psecific to your field:

The Air Force Institute of Technology, or AFIT, is the Air Force’s graduate school of engineering and management as well as its institution for technical professional continuing education. The school aims to be a world leader for defense technological education, research and consultation. It is located at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.

  • AFIT’s Air Force Graduate School for Engineering and Management allows Airmen to pursue graduate studies as a full-time active-duty assignment. Here officers can advance their careers with a master’s degree or Ph.D. in one of more than 20 areas of specialization.

    The Graduate School of Engineering and Management is among the nation’s top engineering schools and provides advanced education, research and consultation focused on defense technology.

  • The Air Force Institute of Technology Center for Cyberspace Research (CCR) conducts defense-focused research at the graduate level, helping to train and equip the warriors of the future for the cyber domain. The center is forward-looking and responsive to the changing educational and research needs of the Air Force, the Department of Defense and the federal government.

  • Civilian institutions of higher learning: For specializations not available at AFIT, officers may be sent to pursue a degree at civilian institutions of higher learning including world-renowned universities and state colleges. AFIT’s Civilian Institution Program places students in more than 400 universities, research centers, hospitals and industrial organizations throughout the United States and in several other countries.

Airforce Commissioned Officer Education Money for School
  • The Post-9/11 Bill is an educational assistance program that provides eligible Airmen with up to 36 months of benefits for education and training opportunities outside of the Air Force while they are on active duty. These benefits may be used for undergraduate and graduate degree programs, vocational and technical training, tutorial assistance, books, supplies and monthly housing. Generally, benefits are payable for 15 years following release from active duty and may be transferred to spouses or dependent children.

  • The Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) is an assistance program that provides eligible Airmen with up to 36 months of benefits for education and training opportunities outside of the Air Force. These benefits may be used for degree and certificate programs, flight training, apprenticeship/on-the-job training and correspondence courses. Generally, benefits are payable for 10 years following release from active duty.

  • The College Loan Repayment Program (CLRP) is for all non-prior-service persons considering enlistment in the Air Force. If you have taken some college courses and have accumulated debt, this program may be for you. Participants must sign up for this program when signing the enlistment contract. Under CLRP the repayment maximum is $10,000 per recruit.

  • Health Professions Scholarship Program offers scholarships for healthcare professionals to include: one-and two-year for Biomedical Science Corps specialties (Pharmacists, Optometrists, Clinical Psychologists and Public Health Officers), two- and three-year for Nurse Corps specialties and three- and four-year for Medical Corps and Dental Corps. This scholarship covers all tuition and required fees, including textbooks, small equipment items and supplies needed for study. You will also receive a monthly allowance for living expenses. While on scholarship, you will spend 45 days on active duty in the Air Force, and once you graduate, you will serve active duty (one year for each year of scholarship, with a minimum of three years).

    Download An Air Force HPSP Brochure.

  • Internship Programs
    The Air Force offers several allied health internship programs to include Clinical Psychology, Audiology, Clinical Social Worker, Dietetic, etc. at Air Force medical facilities. Please contact your local health professions recruiter for qualification and benefit information or click here to learn more about Clinical Psychology internship programs.

  • Financial Assistance Program
    The Air Force Financial Assistance Program for medical and dental residencies can help you complete your residency without having to worry about finances. You will receive more than $45,000 for every year you participate in the program and receive a stipend of over $2000 a month to cover living expenses. Upon completion of your residency, you’ll have a one-year obligation for each year of participation, plus one extra year.

  • The Air Force Tuition Assistance (TA) program is designed to help active-duty personnel pursue voluntary, off-duty educational opportunities. Currently, the program pays 100% (up to $250 per semester hour or equivalent) of the cost of college tuition with a limit of $4500 per fiscal year. Courses and degree programs may be academic or technical and can be taken from two- or four-year institutions on base, off base or by correspondence.

To learn more about any of these educational opportunities, chat with an Air Force adviser.