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Publication Probation and Parole in the United States, 2004

Lauren E. Glaze, Seri Palla

November 2, 2005    NCJ 210676

Reports the number of persons on probation and parole, by State, at yearend 2004 and compares the totals with yearend 1995 and 2000. It lists the States with the largest and smallest parole and probation populations and the largest and smallest rates of community supervision, and identifies the States with the largest increases. The Bulletin also describes the race and gender of these populations and reports the percentages of parolees and probationers completing community supervision successfully, or failing because of a rule violation or a new offense.

Highlights include the following:

  • The adult probation population grew 0.2% in 2004. This was the smallest annual growth rate since the survey began in 1979.
  • Overall, the Nation's parole population grew 20,230 in 2004, or 2.7%, more than twice the average annual increase of 1.3% since 1995.
  • The number of adult men and women in the United States who were being supervised on probation or parole at the end of 2004 reach a new high of 4,916,480.

Part of the Probation and Parole Populations Series

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Annual Probation Survey and Annual Parole Survey

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