EGCI: Papua New Guinea (PNG)

Special Envoy Goldwyn led a U.S. interagency assessment team to PNG on June 16-19, 2010. The U.S. delegation met with officials from the departments of Finance, Treasury, National Planning & Monitoring, Foreign Affairs & Trade, and Petroleum & Energy; the Internal Revenue Commission; PNG Power; the Australian High Commission and World Bank. It also held discussions with high-level representatives from ExxonMobil, Oil Search, Bechtel and the two largest Landowner Companies (LANCOs) involved in the PNG LNG project. The delegation held in-depth technical talks with Interoil at the company’s refinery near Port Moresby and at the Antelope-2 drill site. The visit provided valuable insight into ways in which the Government of PNG (GoPNG) could bolster its institutional capacities in order to strengthen oil and gas sector governance and to ensure sound revenue management.

Secretary Clinton visited PNG (Nov 10)--EGCI major component of U.S. commitment.


  • Department of National Planning & Monitoring
  • Department of Petroleum & Energy

Activities to Date/Planned

  • Workshop on the U.S. Experience in Managing the Oil & Gas Sector (2011). This workshop provided a comprehensive three-day overview of the responsibilities and activities of the Department of Interior (DOI) in the United States as well as revenue compliance issues from the U.S. Department of the Treasury. This course included a detailed discussion of how issues relevant to PNG’s oil and gas sector are handled in the United States. Topics included: tendering; geologic and economic modeling; reviewing, authorizing, and inspecting exploration and production infrastructure; and environmental review and compliance. This workshop formed the basis for identifying further technical areas for assistance for the DPE (December 2010).

Countries in the EGCI

Papua New Guinea
Sierra Leone
Timor Leste (East)