District of Vermont


For Immediate Release

September 25, 2012

United States Attorney

(802) 951-6725

Barre, Vermont Man Sentenced for Aiding and Abetting in the Making of False Statements to Federally Licensed Firearms Dealer

The Office of the United States Attorney for the District of Vermont stated that Jeffrey Morse of Barre, Vermont was sentenced yesterday for aiding and abetting in the making of false statements to a federally licensed firearms dealer in the course of acquiring four handguns. Judge William K. Sessions III sentenced Morse to 18 months' imprisonment and 2 years of supervised release.

According to court records, on or about August 29, 2011, Morse met an individual known to him only as "Q." Two days after meeting "Q," Morse agreed to purchase four .40 caliber handguns for "Q." "Q" provided Morse $900 for the gun purchase, with the understanding that "Q" would sell the firearms and share a portion of the proceeds with him. Lacking proper identification to make the purchase, Morse asked his friend Joshua Bailey to buy the firearms for him. As part of the firearms purchase process, Bailey certified on the required federal form that he was the actual purchaser of the firearms. After completing the transaction at R&L Archery in Barre, Vermont, Bailey provided the firearms to Morse, who gave them to "Q." The four guns have not been recovered.

Co-defendant Joshua Bailey was sentenced on July 30, 2012 to time served and 2 years of supervised release for his role in this offense.

The case was investigated by the ATF, with the assistance of the Berlin Police Department. This matter was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Kevin Doyle. David L. McColgin of the Federal Defender's Office represented Morse.

United States Attorney Tristram J. Coffin noted that this prosecution is part of the U.S. Department of Justice's Project Safe Neighborhood, a nationwide commitment to reduce gun crime in America. Led by the U.S. Attorney's Office and ATF, Project Safe Neighborhood marshals federal, state, and local resources to better locate, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who violate federal gun laws. For more information about Project Safe Neighborhood and Project Safe Vermont, please visit www.psn.gov.
