Puget Sound Clean Air Agency
Air Quality
Today's Forecast
King AQI:Good - Pollutant:PM2.5
Kitsap AQI:Good - Pollutant:PM2.5
Pierce AQI:Good - Pollutant:PM2.5
Snohomish AQI:Good - Pollutant:PM2.5
King AQI:Moderate - Pollutant:PM2.5
Kitsap AQI:Moderate - Pollutant:PM2.5
Pierce AQI:Moderate - Pollutant:PM2.5
Snohomish AQI:Moderate - Pollutant:PM2.5
Forecast Discussion
Current Air Quality
Data and Reports
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Tips & Trivia
  • There's no known safe level of asbestos exposure. More.
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Visibility Camera

  Visual Range (hourly): N/A  •  PM2.5 (24-hour avg): 9 µg/m3  •  AQI: 29  

Photos are taken 3 times daily, at 9:00 AM, noon, and 3:00 PM.
Particle concentration estimated using the PM2.5 surrogate method.

Panoramic views are treasured as an important part of the quality of life in the Northwest. The Puget Sound Clean Air Agency also places a great importance on understanding what influences regional visibility. We devote considerable resources to this area of exploration, including this web camera looking south toward Mt. Rainier from atop Seattle's Queen Anne Hill.

We invite you to explore our Web site further to learn more about air quality in our region, find out how you can help improve air quality, and see how the agency is working for clean air.