Proposed Program Comment and Document

As required by the OCS Lands Act, a new program—to cover the years 2012-2017—is under development. Secretary Ken Salazar announced the second draft program decision, the Proposed Program, on November 8, 2011. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) released the Proposed Program decision document (with supporting analyses) and the draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) immediately after the announcement.

To submit comments on the Draft PEIS, please click here.

How to Submit Comments on the Proposed Program 

BOEM encourages online submission of comments at

At the main screen, type “BOEM-2011-0119” in the box under “Enter Keyword or ID” and click on the Search button; then, in the bottom window, find the entry with Docket ID BOEM-2011-0119 and click on “open docket folder” to view the Proposed Program decision document or “submit comments” to submit your comments.

Alternatively, you may submit written comments to the address below

Attention: Steven Textoris, 5-Year Program Manager
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
381 Elden Street, (MS-4010), Room 3120
Herndon, Virginia 20170

Please label your comments and the packaging in which they are submitted as “Comments on Proposed 5-Year Program for 2012-2017”.

An individual commenter may ask that we withhold their name, home address, or both from the public record, and we will honor such a request to the extent allowable by law. If you submit comments and wish us to withhold such information, you must state so prominently at the beginning of your submission. We will not consider anonymous comments.

Proposed Program and Draft EIS (2012-2017)

Economic Background Papers for the 2012-2017 Program

These papers were not part of the decision process but provide supplemental reading for those who would like more information on the methodology used for the net benefits analysis and on the possible energy substitutes for new OCS oil and gas production.

The Offshore Environmental Coast Model (OECM) is in the last stages of a major upgrade, and a draft description of model design, calculations, and date sources if provided at the link above. Anyone with suggestions for improvements to the OECM may submit them through Under Docket ID, type BOEM-2011-0134.