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Plan for America's Job Creators

The national unemployment statistics were released earlier this week, and unfortunately the unemployment rate has gone back up.  As your representative in Congress, I wanted to let you know what House Republicans are working on that will get America on a path towards an economic recovery by putting Americans back to work.

The House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators will put American business owners, rather than government, at the helm of our economic recovery.  The plan would allow businesses to do what they do best and help alleviate the uncertainty that is currently hindering our economic recovery. 

There are several key components that serve as the backbone for the plan.  Our first goal is to empower small business owners by reducing the regulatory burdens confronting them.  It is a fact that small businesses create the majority of new jobs in America, so we must stop strangling these businesses with burdensome regulations that stifle job creation.  The House Republican Plan would require an audit of existing and pending regulations to determine whether they are a hindrance to the economic growth of our small businesses. 

Second, our plan would also provide much-needed reform to the tax code.  It would lower tax rates for businesses and individuals to no more than 25%.  It would also put in place reforms that wouldn’t penalize American businesses for bringing overseas profits back to America.

Additionally, the plan goes further by increasing competitiveness for American manufacturers through the passage of free trade agreements, thereby opening new markets to American-made products. 

Under the plan, we would also: modernize our patent system to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation; promote domestic energy production; and enact significant spending cuts in an effort to pay down America’s unsustainable debt.

You can read the full plan by clicking here.

It is time that we take significant steps to get government out of the way and allow American businesses to start creating jobs again.  The House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators will help enact the changes we need to revitalize the economy.