image description U.S. CONGRESSMAN JOE WILSON | Serving South Carolina’s Second District

Press Release

Contact: Caroline Delleney (202) 225-2452

Wilson Disapproves of the Administration's Attempt to Undercut Welfare Reform

Washington, Sep 20 -

Congressman Joe Wilson released the following statement this afternoon after the House passed H.J.Res. 118, a resolution disapproving of the Obama Administration's attempt to waive the work welfare requirement. 

“Today’s disapproval resolution sends a very clear message to the Administration.  Congress will not sit back and watch as the President governs by executive power, removing bipartisan requirements set to help Americans out of poverty by encouraging them to return to the workforce.  Instead, the President uses his Administration as a tool to carry out his overreaching policies.  Rather than providing the hope and reassurance necessary to recover from this economic recession, President Obama’s policies are causing more and more discouraged Americans to become dependent upon the government. 

“Our national unemployment has remained at or above eight percent for the past forty-three months. Twenty-three million Americans are searching for a job and over forty-six million are receiving food stamps, a number that has increased drastically since the President was sworn into office.  Based upon my experience as Chairman of the South Carolina State Senate committee responsible for welfare reform, I know for a fact that the President’s liberal, pro-government policies will not help eager Americans find employment and resume the ability to personally provide for their families.  It is my hope that the Senate will consider and pass this resolution, which will pressure the Administration to reinstate the work requirement required by the 1996 bipartisan law.”

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