Selected Science Team Proposals - FY 2002

The Office of Biological and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE), has accepted the proposals listed below in response to the Office of
Science Notice 01-23. This notice requested applications for grants to support
renewals of activities currently funded by DOE under previous Special Research
Grant Program Notices issued for the ARM Program. A limited number of new research
efforts also were funded.

  • Dr. Shepard A. Clough, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc.:  "Radiative
    Transfer for Clear and Cloudy Atmospheres:  Spectral Modeling and
  • Dr. Robert G. Ellingson, University of Maryland:  "Development,
    Validation and Testing of 3-D Longwave Cloud Parameterizations for General Circulation
  • Dr. Graham Feingold, NOAA/Environmental Technology Laboratory:  "Investigation
    of the Aerosol Indirect Effect at the SGP Using Ground-Based Remote Sensors
    and Modeling"
  • Dr. Richard A. Ferrare, NASA Langley Research Center/Georgia Institute
    of Technology/Sandia National Laboratories:  "Characterizing
    the Vertical Distribution of Aerosols Over the ARM SGP Site"
  • Dr. Jennifer A. Francis, Rutgers University/Institute of Marine and
    Coastal Sciences:  "A 20-Year Data Set of Surface Longwave Fluxes
    in the Arctic"
  • Dr. Steven J. Ghan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory:  "Cloud
    Parameterization for Indirect Effects of Aerosol"
  • Dr. Georgy S. Golitsyn, Institute for Atmospheric Physics:  "Cloud-Aerosol-Gas-Radiation
    Climatology in Central-Continental Stations"
  • Janet Intrieri, NOAA/Environmental Technology Laboratory:  "Using
    Radar, Lidar and Radiometer Data from NSA and SHEBA to Quantify Cloud Property
    Effects on the Arctic Surface Heat Budget"
  • Dr. Robert O. Knuteson, University of Wisconsin/CIMSS:  "Continuation
    of Data Analysis Software Development for the Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer
  • Dr. Steven K. Krueger, University of Utah:  "Parameterization
    of Clouds in the NCEP Global Model"
  • Dr. Andrew A. Lacis, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies:  "Cloud/Aerosol
    Radiative Forcing and Feedback in a Climate GCM"
  • Dr. Dana E. Lane, Rutgers University:  "Evaluation and
    Development of Stochastic Radiative Transfer as an Atmospheric General Circulation
    Model Parameterization"
  • Dr. Gerald Mace, University of Utah:  "Investigation
    of the Coupling Between the Large Scale Atmospheric State and Cloud Properties:
    An Observational Synthesis of the ARM Data Steam - Renewal Proposal"
  • Drs. Joseph J. Michalsky/Lee Harrison, State University of New York,
    Albany:  "Spectral and Broadband Shortwave Radiometry and Analysis"

  • Larry M. Miloshevich/Dr. Barry M. Lesht, National Center for Atmospheric
    Research/Argonne National Laboratory:  "Development and Implementation
    of the Best Means of Correcting Vaisala Radiosonde Humidity and Temperature
  • Drs. Patrick Minnis/Charles Long, NASA Langley Research Center/Pacific
    Northwest National Laboratory:  "Assimilation and Analysis to
    Produce a Continuous 3-D Cloud Properties Field for the ARM SGP Network Area"
  • Drs. David L. Mitchell/Robert P. d'Entremont, Desert Research Institute/Atmospheric
    and Environmental Research, Inc.: "Development and Comparison of Ground
    and Satellite-based Retrievals of Cirrus Cloud Physical Properties"
  • Drs. Joel R. Norris/Stephen Klein/Christopher P. Weaver, Scripps Institution
    of Oceanography/NOAA - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/Rutgers University:
    "Parameterization of Mesoscale Circulations and Frontal Cloudiness in GCMs
    Based on ARM Observations"
  • Dr. David A. Randall, Colorado State University, Fort Collins: "The
    Use of ARM Data to Address the Climate Change Problem"
  • Dr. Christian Rocken, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research:
    "Measuring 4-D Water Vapor Fields with GPS"
  • Dr. Stephen Schwartz, Brookhaven National Laboratory: "Shortwave
    Radiative Influences of Tropospheric Aerosols"
  • Dr. Tim Tooman, Sandia National Laboratory: "Two Dimensional Mapping
    of Thin Cirrus Optical Depth and Ice Water Advection"
  • Dr. Alexander Trishchenko, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing: "Improving
    the Understanding of Surface-Atmosphere Radiative Interactions by Mapping Surface
    Reflectance over the ARM CART Site"
  • Dr. Andrew Vogelmann, Scripps Institution of Oceanography: "Aerosol
    and Cloud-Field Radiative Effects in the TWP: Analyses and General Circulation
    Model Parameterizations"
  • Dr. Ed R. Westwater, CIRES/NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory:
    "Improved Water Vapor and Cloud Retrievals at the NSA/AAO"
  • Dr. Warren J. Wiscombe, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: "Understanding
    and Coping with the Effect of 3D Cloud Structure on ARM Data"
  • Dr. Xiaoqing Wu, National Center for Atmospheric Research: "Application
    of Seasonal CRM Integrations to Develop Statistics and Improved GCM Parameterizations
    of Subgrid Cloud-Radiation Interactions"
  • Dr. Kuan-Man Xu, NASA Langley Research Center: "Use of Cloud-Resolving
    Models and ARM Data for Cloud Parameterization Development"
  • Dr. Minghua Zhang, State University of New York, Stony Brook: "Development
    of Accurate Forcing and Evaluation Data in Support of SCM/CRM Activities in