Contact: Claude Chafin 202-225-1112

Health Care Debate Begins

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Democrat Health Care Bill

Alternative Health Care Bill

CHART: House Democrat Health Care Plan

Written from Washington, Jul 14, 2009 -


The Democrats' newest health care proposal is hot off the presses ahead of Speaker Pelosi's press conference this afternoon. I am still combing through the thousand pages that make up this proposal to learn more about the tax increases and goverment takeover of health care that it contains. I've signed a pledge not to vote for a health care bill until I have read it in its entirety and it has been posted online for the public to read for at least 72 hours.

In the meantime, I wanted to send you this alternative proposal which I am a co-sponsoring with Congressman John Shadegg of Arizona. This plan will seriously address the explosion of health care cost by bringing the industry closer to market forces, rather than having public money exacerbate the problem.

The Democrat bill will move quickly through Congress. We expect to begin taking it apart in the Energy and Commerce Committee as early as Thursday with a goal of having a final vote before the end of the month. As with the Cap and Trade debate, I will keep you apprised of all of the latest developments.

My Best,


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