Sunset Caucus

RSC Sunset Caucus

Rep. Kevin Brady & Rep. Jason Chaffetz


Sunset – to provide for the permanent elimination, de-funding, or repeal of a federal program, agency, or department at a date certain.

The RSC Sunset Caucus is a new, permanent subset of the Republican Study Committee committed to protecting taxpayers and shrinking the size of government – one wasteful, duplicative, or unnecessary program at a time.

As federal deficits surge, the American people are looking for people to match word with deed and shrink the size of government with real action. The RSC Sunset Caucus seeks to aggregate the efforts of Members committed to working to eliminate needless federal programs.

Prior to joining the RSC Sunset Caucus, members must:

  • Adopt one or more federal program they believe has outlived its usefulness or never should have been enacted.
  • Publicly champion the repeal or de-funding of the program(s).
  • Offer an amendment during the relevant appropriations bill to defund the program(s).
  • Introduce stand alone legislation to sunset the targeted program(s).

Just how overgrown has government gotten?

  • The debt has increased by over $4 trillion in the short time since President Obama took office.
  • There was a $1.284 trillion deficit this year, the second highest nominal deficit in history.
  • The federal government borrows an estimated 43 cents for every dollar it spends.
  • Under President Obama the public debt has reached 100% of GDP.

No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth.” – President Ronald Reagan

The launch of this caucus is an important step to help the American people take back control of their government.

Additional Information:
Sunset Caucus Summary
Membership Responsibilities
RSC Press Release
Chairman Price Announces the Sunset Caucus

Support from the American Conservative Union
Support from the National Taxpayers Union

POLITICO - Mohair Subsidies Get Reps' Goats

2012 Waste Action Alerts:
Eliminate Direct Payment Subsidies for Agriculture
Eliminate Needless Additional Performance Bonuses

Eliminate the Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Loan Program
Eliminate the Visa Lottery Program

Eliminate Congressional Earmarks

Eliminate the Office of Polar Programs
Eliminate All 'Czars'
Eliminate Spending on the Guantanamo Bay Soccer Field
Consolidate the DOE and EPA
Eliminate Subsidies for Public Broadcasting
Eliminate the Hope VI Program
Eliminate Federal Subsidies for Amtrak
Eliminate Public Funding for Political Party Conventions
Eliminate Unspent Federal Funds
Eliminate Taxpayer Funding for the Woodrow Wilson Center
Eliminate the Conservation Stewardship Program
Eliminate the Appalachian Regional Commission
Eliminate the Market Access Program
Eliminate Spending on Unnecessary Government Vehicles

2011 Waste Action Alerts:

Eliminate Excess Federal Property

Pay for the Recently Passed Tax Relief Bill

Eliminate Taxpayer-Subsidized Union Activities
Eliminate the Home Affordable Modification Program
Eliminate Taxpayer Subsidies to the IPCC

Eliminate the Election Assistance Commission

Eliminate Taxpayer Subsidies to the Development Innovation Venture Program

Eliminate Excess Federal Lands

Eliminate the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in Parks Program

Eliminate Ineffective and Unnecessary Federal Education Programs
Require the Internal Revenue Service to Deposit Fees they Receive into the Treasury

Eliminate Taxpayer Subsidies to the United Nations Population Fund

Reform the Universal Service Fund

Eliminate the Death Gratuity for Members of Congress

Sunset Costly and Unreasonable Regulations
Eliminate Taxpayer Funds for Stimulus Advertisement

Eliminate the Weatherization Assistance Program
Eliminate Wasteful Spending to the OAS

2010 Waste Action Alerts:
Eliminate Mohair Subsidies
Eliminate Pork in Federal "Save America's Treasures" Program
Eliminate the Presidential Election Campaign Fund
Eliminate Taxpayer Subsidies for Political Conventions
Eliminate Proliferation of "Czars" in Obama Administration
Eliminate Taxpayer Subsidies to the IPCC
Eliminate Taxpayer-Subsidized Union Activities
Repeal the Davis-Bacon Act
Repeal the "Stimulus"
Eliminate Taxpayer Subsidies for the International Fund for Ireland
Eliminate Legal Services Corporation Funding
Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Subsidy
Eliminate the Market Access Program
Eliminate the Immigrant Visa Lottery Program
Eliminate the Hope VI Program
Eliminate the TANF Emergency Contingency Fund
Eliminate the Community Reinvestment Act
Eliminate the Neighborhood Stabilization Program
Economic Freedom Act
Freeze the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 at FY 2010 Appropriated Levels
Eliminate Surplus Federal Lands
Federal Agency Program Realignment and Closure Act
Eliminate Taxpayer Subsidies for Amtrak’s Long-Distance Routes
Eliminate Ineffective and Unnecessary Federal Education Programs
Eliminate Taxpayer Subsidies to the Corporation of Public Broadcasting
Eliminate the National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program
Eliminated the U.S. Trade Development Agency
Eliminate Growth in Number of Federal Programs
Eliminate Taxpayer Subsidies for Amtrak's Sleeper Class Service
Eliminate the Advanced Earned Income Tax Credit
Eliminate Taxpayer Funds for Stimulus Advertisement
Eliminate Excess Federal Property

Note: Not every item featured in the Waste Action Alerts is necessarily endorsed by the RSC.
These Alerts highlight the individual initiatives of members of the RSC Sunset Caucus.

“The RSC Sunset Caucus uncovers government waste and seeks to eliminate it,
working to sunset programs that taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for.”