National Safety Alerts


Safety Alerts are tools used by BSEE to inform the offshore oil and gas industry of the circumstances surrounding an incident or a near miss. They also contain recommendations that should help prevent the recurrence of such an incident on the OCS. 

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National Safety Alerts
Number Date
10 11/10/2011 Safety Alert for the Macondo Well Blowout
9 05/25/2011 SAFETY ALERT: Heater-Treater Fire Forces Evacuation of Platform
8 03/31/2009 Quality Variations Discovered in Oil and Gas Pipe Components Made of Duplex Steel
7 07/28/2003 Equipment Collapse During Workover Operation Results in a Serious Near Miss 
6 11/05/2002 Cellular Phones and Other Risks in Classified Areas (Update) 
5 03/06/2002 Cell Phone Results in Fire 
4 10/06/2000 Shackle Failures (Revised March 31, 2009) 
3 04/07/2000 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Cylinders - Possible Ruptures 
2 02/02/2000 Annular Gas Migration as a Result of Poor Cement Jobs 
1 11/05/1998 Crane Accidents, Fatalities, Injuries